In my experience, people who think Taiwan belongs to China are generally the same people who think China is a glorious utopia headed by a benevolent saint Jinping.
So it’s a 50/50 toss up on bot or troll lol
In my experience, people who think Taiwan belongs to China are generally the same people who think China is a glorious utopia headed by a benevolent saint Jinping.
So it’s a 50/50 toss up on bot or troll lol
I can guarantee there is a significant number of people who do want more AI crap.
Hell I can understand why. If it was done ethically and with user privacy as a core tenant of its implementation I would probably love having convenient access to AI tools like that… But this is Microsoft so I think I’m gonna instead go the opposite direction and add this to the list of reasons my next PC will be Linux
Okay but forcing someone to pay you $550k (averaging your values) to not die maybe is still incredibly fucking awful, so it’s really not hard to be better than that.
I can respect that developing a personalized vaccine might take a lot of work but I’m not a chemist. I don’t know how much work it actually takes, nor do I know how many vaccines a person would realistically need to cure their cancer be it stage 1 up to stage 4?
What I do know is that if this vaccine ends up being more effective than the traditional method then it is a wonderful discovery, but if it leads to life-long medical debt and subsequent financial ruin all the same your life is still fucked… I guess I’d rather be poor and alive, but I’d also rather not be destitute.
Not sure how to help you with that one. People call for an end to vetos literally every time it’s used
I think when a Christian minister is making a statement about a guy who is VERY vocal about how his every action is influenced by his being a Christian, then a Christian denounciation feels adequate.
I get where you’re coming from but that’s not an argument about the defining characteristics of dictatorships, that’s an argument about the existence or lack thereof of free speech.
In my opinion a better argument would be that China has 1 leader at the top of the ladder with near unquestionable power over government precedings who will remain in that position until he either dies or chooses to step down. That already would make him something analogous to a monarch, but add the regular use of military strength in forcing compliance from the masses and now we have a dictator.
Fair and based.
We are still actually an Oligarchy though lol just, like you said, closer to what we claim we are then China is
life long career politician and public figure says something political in a public space
“obviously they are just trying to stay relevant 🙄”
Look, I don’t like Chillary Clinton, like at all, but getting butt hurt about a politician saying something political about a political opponent is just fucking stupid
I mean yeah but the point is that technological advancement was still a common occurance. Like, yeah a sensationalized article about self driving cars would blow some minds but to most i think it wouldn’t really make any bigger waves then basic cars already were at the time. How can they be blown away by the concept of self driving when the vehicle itself is so new and interesting you know? AI is so abstract that even today most people don’t understand it, 100 years ago it’d just be “another new thing” just like it is today… We are actually less accustomed to ground shaking new inventions so I’d argue that 100 years ago a lot of our modern tech would be less exciting given the regularity in which things were changing then.
Social upheaval however is ALWAYS a huge deal, especially for the time. Bear in mind that Progressivism is a fairly new ideology in the States. For literally hundreds of years social change came at a snails pace and took serious, concerted effort. Nowadays we are on average much more open to change and accepting of diversity in all it’s forms, but there’s a reason everyone remembers the name Martin Luther King Jr., versus… Ruth Bader Ginsburg I guess?
his defense and his followers call for an mistrial on bias.
They will anyway. Is this really the hill we are going to die on? After 8(?) years of this shit are we really going to keep spouting this rhetoric?
Trump has proven that he intends to keep violating gag orders. So it is not only clean but perfectly within the judicial systems legal power to imprison him. There’s no need to build a case here. Just do it.
Only way he wins is if half the country stays home.
I don’t have any reported statistics to back up my claims but I am fairly confident that 2020 saw an unprecedented turnout specifically because people were able to bolster their friends and family to go vote against Trump. Notably not for Biden. If I’m right then it’s not so much Trump getting more votes but Biden getting less that’s the worry
I’m thinking Dem turnout is going to be a lot lower this year just because of the general feeling of apathy around so many people of voting age. They won’t want to get peer pressured again by their friends and family. God knows the 4-5 people I convinced to go in 2020 have made it clear that they dont care for Biden and won’t want to vote for his second term.
I think if the Dems throw up a younger, more relatable candidate you’d be right on the money. But you know… Something something snatching defeat from the Jaws of victory
Ehhhh there’s pros and cons to that. r/all on any given day is just bots karma farming off eachother with maybe 1 or 2 good posts mixed in alongside the occasionally genuinely interesting news article, which obviously sucks.
But on the other side there is a TON of threads from the past decade that I know I still read once in a while and I’m sure others do too. Hell just yesterday I was looking for some info on mettalurgy and found a reddit thread where some guy asked my exact question and got good answers like 5 years ago. Having those be more accessible would be great… Plus a lot of niche communities are unfortunately just too small on Lemmy to produce the level of content they do on Reddit
Who will force them to recuse themselves? They answer to no one.
That guy is obviously exaggerating for effect and you are technically correct, but he’s not wrong.
Companies like Inuit and H&R Block have been lobbying for ages to keep the free file forms ridiculously overcomplicated, difficult to navigate/complete, and dangerously generalized to the point where if you mis-interpret a line on one of your several non-intuitively named financial forms you will be committing tax fraud
It is objectively easier, safer, and more convenient to file taxes through one of these private companies and the is by design.
I have this exact same thing! My dentist reccomended it to me because I drink way too much coffee, which apparently causes like yellow orange film to form on your tongue
Abortion is a sin
Abortion doesn’t have anything to do with the church
I mean I’m no expert but I do have some knowledge on the subject.
The difference is how you injest it. Our stomachs are much more resilient than our lungs. Your stomach is, for all intents and purposes, a sac of acid that dissolves mostly anything you put in it, your lungs on the other hand literally only do 1 thing all day and it’s breathe air. There are different qualities of air of course, and microparticles in it that could cause harm, but on the whole it’s more or less all the same.
Its like dumping garbage into a sink vs. a paper bag. The sink will get disgusting, and you may end up with a clogged drain, messed up pipes, or worse. But at the end of the day if you just clean the mess and don’t do it too often it will probably be fine. The paper bag on the other hand is gonna get Soggy, gross, and start falling apart in your hands. You can dry it out but it will never quite be the same…
I mean right, I’m just saying that the general political landscape didn’t flip overnight on some evening in 1976 or whatever. It was a slow shift over the back quarter of the last century culminating in our more modern party structure.
Conservatives still exist on the Democratic side of the aisle today, but there’s less of them than 5 years ago and that was less than 10 years ago etc etc.
Tbf most conservatives probably haven’t played BG3 or know much of anything about it/forgotten realms. They aren’t exactly the target audience
Production, most likely