Are you me?
The green onion teriyaki sauce is fantastic. I mix it into ground turkey and make burgers on the grill.
On the sauce tip we’ve gravitated to SBR. It’s dark and smokey like bulls eye but sweeter.
For chicken I really like grill mates sweet and smokey rub
In case anyone doesn’t understand how all this works:
Republicans make outlandish, grandiose, patently untrue, vitriolic and inflammatory statements.
This is picked up by right wing “news” outlets like FOX, OAN, Newsmax, etc. and “reported” on and repeated. To the people who watch these sources they believe its legitimate, real and true.
These people ONLY get their information from these sources. They are massive echo chambers. There is no fact checking, no competeting opinion and no misinformation correction. It is in fact the purpose.
This is meant to stir anger, resentment and many other immoral narratives and it works.
Post birth abortions are OF COURSE not a thing but that truth will be lost on the people that consume and believe this bullshit.
It kind of sounds like you’re describing bipolar disorder. These cycles of up and down.
You said this low period always happens right after your most creative periods. Depressive cycles typically last longer than the manic phase which is what you described.
Not a doctor obviously but I lived with it undiagnosed for a very long time. Maybe read up on it and see if it fits your experience.
Whatever it is I hope you find some relief.
I’ve owned probably 15 vehicles. No Mazdas. We just went from a 2012 highlander limited to a 2019 cx-9 GT with 25k mi for around 35k.
Man, what a nice ass car. I honestly never knew. Tons of features and thoughtful details. Dollar to value we’re very happy with it.
Might turn it in for a cx-90 in a few years.
100 years dungeon!
The reason for the bill is Democrats vote by mail at a higher rate than R’s.
I’d like to say we need national laws for voting but with the supreme court as it is maybe not a great idea.
$249 for an Insignia 55” 4k tv at best buy right now. Come on people, sell some plasma, don’t buy contribute to this kind of thing.
I have an old hp mini netbook with an atom processor and 1gb RAM. I needed something light to run on it so I put Lubuntu on it.
It was fun dabbling in it and getting everything to work but I haven’t really messed with it since.
I was probably 40.
I run Win on my main pc only for gaming really. Maybe if linux gets better support I would consider switching over.
In a perfect world. I work a 12hr graveyard shift and flip to dayshift schedule on my days off.
You need to do it in a structured way. Get home, nap a few hours, go to bed at a normal bedtime, wake up, a dash of adderall. Good to go.
I guess it was around the same price although it released in a different year. I guess I equated rarity to price. I think they were late to the game and had a small game catalog.
Only rich kids had a Neo Geo or Turbo Grfx-16.
We were far from rich.
Baby Brezza formula machine.
Pre-heats the water and has a hopper for the powder. You can have a bottle of formula ready to go in about 10 seconds. Wifi with an app too.