You can tell Monero is good because the feds are getting it delisted everywhere they can
You can tell Monero is good because the feds are getting it delisted everywhere they can
Car manufacturers are being so blatant about this stuff. It goes to show that they know how slow regulation is and they can milk it for all its worth.
You are right. This is really cringe.
Yeah DDG is great. The only thing I find is its not good at local results but a quick !g on the end gets me the local results im looking for.
Hopefully the Fediverse will be able to have a better take on how to do shortform video than other platforms.
Rest in piece you brave soul.
I don’t care for vtubers but the thing that drove me off twitch was them selectively applying rules so it’s annoying to see then continue to do that and fuck over vtubes while ignoring the 1000s of sexualized streamers targeting minors.
Awesome update and I’m very excited for their next one. Recommendation algorithms are now a must have if you want to attract younger people to the platform.
I don’t think many people disable browsing history. Most people don’t even open the settings they just use whatever is default.
Smart choice. YouTube has been fucking Firefox users for a while now. Implementing stuff like a 5s wait to load videos.
Do you use YouTube?
Without Linux users advocating for Linux it would never reach the average consumer. We don’t have a marketing department we have to grassroots that shit.
Nah I’m not gonna educate myself. I’m getting mad on behalf of the warlord weather he wants me to or not.
WTF let the warlord use what he brought and paid for. Stop eula roofing him and let him Cook.
I wouldn’t call that attack “easy”. If someone wants to go through that much effort to kill me they can save themselves the work and stab me outside pizzahut on Saturday night
I know but I expected there to be more cool apps and less shit ones. I’m disappointed by what mobiles have become.
Mobile apps. They have so much money and users and it still feels like there isn’t as many cool mobile apps as there are cool computer program.
Mobile apps often feel like a web browser with the URL bar.
I personally can’t say why I would because I don’t but I can tell you why my friends do. Its because they drink a fuck ton of alcohol, bet way more money than they can afford and get caught up in the mob mentality.
Its not racist to call out blatant propaganda. The world news community needs a higher standard for what qualifies as news and a higher standard for how articles source their claims. This is a shit article.
Yep, Imagine how good the software would be oif we had all the governments and enterprise paying into open source instead of Microsofts pocket.