For actually released consoles, I think the Famicom is just neat looking
For actually released consoles, I think the Famicom is just neat looking
100% agree on ROMs for the super expensive stuff. I do like to play on original hardware whenever possible. And I definitely see more Everdrives in my future for those and the translated games we never got in the US. I was officially looking at repro SNES carts, for example and did buy one for Terranigma. But you quickly run into Everdrive price if you buy several repros.
That adds up quick, doesn’t it? I had my Sony Trinitron RGB modded and now have SNES, Sega Genesis/Master system, and a self modded N64 all connected to a SCART RGB switch and have already ordered the parts to get the treatment done on my NES. Looks incredible though!
I did picoboot instead of an ODE specifically so I could still play my admittedly small GameCube collection.
That’s a great way to put it and is why my limit is around $60ish. But even then I’m not paying that for a fun but basic platformer on a retro console. But RPGs tend to get a higher spending allowance from me.
I just sold my Dreamcast for that very reason. Well that and to focus more on Nintendo hardware since it’s what I grew up with. I know optical drive emulators exist, but for whatever reason I don’t like them as much as a flash cart type situation. Says the guy who has two picoboot GameCubes :)
He sounds exactly like the dude who taught me guitar. He’d balk at any modern (at the time, which was the 90s so Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Soundgarden, etc) when I’d ask to learn their tracks saying I should only spend time learning the “classics” which to him meant the Beatles, Hendrix, and the like. Not saying those aren’t classics, but I’d consider the grunge era to have a lot of classics as well. Seems like Rick is “stuck” in the same era and unwilling to budge.
Gnome with a bit of a macOS twist. I really like it. I’m excited for Cosmic!
Yes, and…? Did I claim otherwise anywhere? Privacy isn’t a zero sum game. You cant fully protect yourself short of ditching tech and the Internet entirely. And even then, there’s already a digital footprint left behind you’ll never get rid of. But you can make informed choices like not trusting Google or Microsoft to host your personal data, not buying the smart home devices, keeping data local only/host your own cloud, use Linux instead of Windows, etc.
Jokes on you. My phone is two soup cans and a length of string.
100% agree. I’ve only just started my privacy/self hosted journey almost exactly 1 year ago. Still learning, but I’m loving the experience so far.
It’s absolutely bad when the US does it. I made no claim otherwise. Cheap tech being used as an entry point for data mining the customers, regardless of country the products are sold in is pretty well documented at this point.
That’s quite a leap, isn’t it? When China has demonstrably expressed intent in data mining the world.
Plenty more examples if you look even briefly.
He’s criminally underrated but does deep dives on tons of n64 games. Really enjoy his content.
Now with free spyware/backdoor!
It needs to be!
What a garbage take. Use what you want, homie.
I really like it. I tried several distros for my first dedicated desktop Linux machine and pop was the one that clicked. I like that it’s not trying to mimick windows UI, and only sorta behaves like macOS. Everyone else was too close to win10. Which I understand is a selling point, so to speak, but I’m so sick of windows that I wanted it to look and act differently.
Pop!_OS is neat. I’ve been running it on my desktop and laptop for over a year now. I like that it doesn’t look like Windows and has enough difference to it to not be a macOS clone either. Plus I think System76 is doing some great things with hardware design.