Racist people have been repeating this story long before trump ever took office. My father, decades ago, was always telling me this is why the family dogs would dissapear. Apparently, once a year, some gang (of non haitians) would come to our rural area, and steal the neighborhood pets.
Of course, our dogs would get hit by cars or shot, but it would happen to coincide with less barking of neighboring dogs (nah, it wasnt cause our wandering dog wasnt bothering them anymore /s) or another neighbor complaining their dog was missing, too.
I always thought it was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard, much less how the logistics worked out, but the story has been around for a very long time, even if some of the details have changed. These jerks have just co-opted another racist troupe to try to pander to their base.
Something about being a popular reggaeton singer…