• 10 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2020

  • I feel like the main problem with balenaEtcher is that it requires downloading 150 MB, for a software that many people will use only once before a reinstall.
    If you’re in a rich country, you might hardly notice, but for poorer countries, this is an insane ask, especially if it just improves convenience mildly.

    But yeah, ultimately any such tool is going to face the problem that no matter how easy it is to use, you need to first install it, which needs to be explained.
    The usage of dd also needs explaining, but you don’t need to install it.

    Well, and another factor is that dd has been around since the dawn of time. Software like balenaEtcher tends to go unmaintained after a few years, at which point any documentation referencing it, will need to be rewritten. And it’s usually rewritten to reference dd instead, before a new convenient software emerges…

  • I’m guessing, they did it this way, because there’s no persistent process to keep the decrypted files open. You’d need to ask the user for the password for every single command they run. With GPG, that persistent process is gpg-agent.

    Of course, encryption with a GPG key is also going to be more secure than the longest password you can come up with.

    I guess, many people will want access to GPG, too, if they want access to their passwords, so they’re not bothered by it.
    But yeah, I do also remember setting that up on Android, where you need a separate app to do the GPG, and it really stops feeling simple pretty quickly…

  • Man, it really is like an extremely dense but dedicated intern. Does not question for a moment why it’s supposed to make fun of an interval, but delivers a complete essay.

    Just make sure to never say “let’s eat Grandpa” around an AI or it’ll have half the leg chomped down before you can clarify that a comma is missing.

  • Normally, the process is:

    • install the packages for the desktop environment
    • log out (not just locking the screen)
    • find a dropdown or cogwheel where you can select the other desktop environment
    • log in

    Having said that, I don’t know what you mean with “graceful”. Desktop environments may involve lots of packages, which may create configuration files in your home directory or get auto-started in your other DEs, so it can be messy.
    Something minimal, like LXQt or the various window managers, isn’t going to cause much of a mess, though.

    I guess, creating a second user with a separate home-directory, like the other person suggested, would isolate that potential mess…

  • I feel like there’s just too many different programming workflows, to try to pre-install them.

    Here on openSUSE, there’s ‘patterns’ you can install, which are basically just groups of packages, and they’ve got some pre-defined patterns for programming:

    I feel like that kind of goes in a more useful direction, although it’s still partially questionable what those contain. For example, the Java development pattern comes with Ant as the build system, when Maven and Gradle are more popular, I believe.

    I also have to say that I often prefer installing programming tooling in distro-independent ways, and ideally automated in the project repo, to avoid works-on-my-machine situations.
    Of course, something like Git, Docker, VMs etc. tend to be stable across versions, and I might not care for having the newest versions, but even with those, I think it’s good to install them on demand, rather than having them pre-installed. If the distro simply makes it a breeze to install them, that’s ideal IMHO.

  • I don’t think, there’s a special trick to making them. You can look at existing kaomoji lists and pick out individual symbols to create the shape that you want.

    Or you can combine kamojis. For example, maybe you want a cat handing over a flower, but you want it to look sad, like an apology.

    Then you find a sad cat kaomoji:

    /ᐠ • ˕ •マ

    And combine it with the kaomoji you posted:

     (• ˕ •)    
    / >🌷< \

    Well, could be better, but just as an example. Combining different faces and arm shapes and such is relatively easy.

    As for managing them, I usually see tags assigned to them. On the webpage that you posted, it’s the little text boxes below the kaomoji.
    But in its simplest form, you could have a text document and just write a few words above each kaomoji, like e.g. “sad cat flower”. Then if you search the text document with Ctrl+F for “cat”, this will be one of the results.

  • As others have already said, Kate should work as text editor. I think, the only thing that’s not built-in is base64 en-/decoding, but you can set that up like this:

    That’s for decoding. For encoding, just change the name to “base64 encode” (exact name doesn’t matter) and remove the “–decode” from the Arguments-field.
    This relies on a CLI utility called base64, which is going to be pre-installed on most distros.
    It’s not entirely perfect, because it’ll always insert a newline, as that’s part of the base64 output. If you do want to get rid of that, you could write a tiny script and then call that script instead, but obviously, you don’t have to.

    You can also install Kate on Windows, if you want to give it a test-ride: https://kate-editor.org/
    (The base64 CLI won’t be available on Windows, though.)