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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The system is working as intended. A country created by the wealthy, for the wealthy, and controlled by the wealthy.

    Having said that the two sides of the same coin is a bunch of bullshit when you see 60+ years of hate and fear propaganda conducted by conservatives.

    Making every modern amenity a partisan issue and is also no mistake. It is very clear one side is keeping us from free education, free/cheap healthcare, equality, and a living wage. It is even clearer when they are pushing for more child labor, pollution, racism, and sexism.

  • Running our country in a non-partisan way. The fact that the Republicans have chosen to make every single topic from child labor laws, equality, healthcare, education, to living wages a partisan topic is no accident.

    It is pure obstructionism based on lies, fear, and hate. Your suggestion is, like so many wanna be edge lords right now, that we just don’t get them. That if we just took the time to understand them then we could communicate our message.

    This is simply not true unfortunately. The solution is not trying to understand their ignorance, it is creating an environment we can all thrive in. This has been made near impossible by them purely out of spite. They can and will fuck everyone over if they perceive that whatever group they happen to be told to hate may suffer more.

    So while I do agree generalization and over simplification can be a bad thing for discourse, I just have point out the reality that they are simply disingenuous. It really just feels like you are playing into their hand which is why you get pushback.

  • Oh yes, we just need to understand them and reach across the aisle to make it happen.

    GTFO of here with this bullshit. Did you forget the last 20 years of Republican obstruction? Where they vote against their own policies and refuse to compromise.

    The only thing to understand at this point is they will always place their party before our county. They will applaud a president who won’t take care of people because they didn’t vote for him.

    Cruelty is the response to decades of hate and fear. They chose this shitty path to walk down and now we have to deal with edge lords like you saying, “ahh shucks, you just gotta understand them.”

  • As I already alluded to this is a common criticism still being made by liberals about their own movement today. Not sure who you are trying to convince as I think it is mostly true.

    Martin Luther King won out over his more radical race war baiting counterparts. Was peace and goodwill the best way to move civil rights forward? I think it probably was but it will never make everyone happy, particularly those who had nothing to gain and had already lost everything.

    Also please show me the movement that is doing what the liberals could not. Things are better than they have ever been before. But that does not mean they can’t get worse or shouldn’t be better than they are.

  • So you think that leftists only pay a lip service to equality? That is a valid criticism given by leftists themselves.

    It is important to keep in mind it was the progressives, which includes liberals and leftists, who are the ones responsible for desegregation and just about every other social justice issue in our modern times.

    They did not do it by force either. They convinced people and used their social currency to cause voluntary change in the hearts and minds of people as well as policies in the government.

    In the US, trying to lay the blame on them for family separation and caging children is pretty far fetched. Did they play some small part in it? Probably.

    It was not their policy and to be frank they would have never had to take a centrist position if the conservatives did not try to make it into a political issue in the first place. Conservatives have used their grievance culture of hate to turn people against each other for far too long.

    So Kwane Ture’s biggest criticism is the liberals don’t try hard enough? That because they don’t tear the institution down they are just as bad as the oppressors. That because they see it is wrong and try to make a change that they are actually taking power away from the oppressed.

    This is all a common criticism in the vein of Malcom X and many before and after him. It of course ignores that the progressives are actually made up from the oppressed. That everything we consider part of what makes life livable nowadays is because of progressives.

    We would already have cheap or universal healthcare, equality of the sexes, elimination of discrimination, reformation of policing, living wages, free education, and a slew of other amenities if the conservatives did not decide to turn all these issues partisan.

    The fact that the Democratic party marched to the right is the response of 60+ years of hateful propaganda spewed from the conservatives to divide our populace. They are the ones responsible for dragging the country right.

    Having said all that I do agree with his sentiment. The progressives have grown complacent. We still don’t have a equal rights amendment added to our constitution. We won’t protect the rights of 50% of our society. As a man with four daughters it is very disheartening.

  • You have some interesting beliefs for sure.

    Liberals who are most often defined by equality typically align with the so-called left. Although it is important to point out what country you are from can drastically alter this perception. I was born and raised in North America.

    The right which is often synonymous with conservatives have pushed back against racial and gender equality. They believe in rigid hierarchies keeping control through rules that bind others but not themselves.

    I get the feeling you probably believe in a lot of right wing propaganda. Hence the whole inflicting moral outrage on others being such a boogey man. It really isn’t as conservatives have no problem ignoring it.