Election fraud conspiracies? Lol wut, does he not think he won? (Didn’t read the article)
Election fraud conspiracies? Lol wut, does he not think he won? (Didn’t read the article)
Do…do we tell them about the competence of individuals in fascist regimes?
Kids? They can vote. I understand that there’s a gradient of maturity, but we can’t give folks a pass just cause they’re young.
And the complexions to be lighter.
This is the opportunity to share resources and give them a direction to head, and you missed it.
It’s okay Snarf, we know you did nothing wrong.
Bruh this is my leadership team at work!
Why would I use a service for this when most email providers already have the ability to add metadata to email addresses we hand out? I have my email set up like what’s on offer here with auto sort.
Or depending on the location and water availability, a two tier reservoir system that pumps water to a higher reservoir to store the energy and let’s the water flow back to the lower reservoir to create electricity.
Different risks of course (if there’s a damn failure there’s a flood), but there are more energy storage options than just batteries.
Bruh, what’s your public transit solution for folks living outside major metropolitan areas (something the US has in spades)? When someone says small town America think towns with sub 5,000 people.
People can dislike what the current administration is doing and dislike what the next administration is going to do. Both parties in the US suck, but one more than the other in my view.
A lot of words to say: Money
Hollow Knight
I know Team Cherry is working on it, but I’m still pumped for when they’re ready to release it.
Ah yes, because America should have any say about the war in Ukraine.
You could try taking tips from this video. Sound bleeds both ways so if you block out noise coming in it will help with noise going out.
Newborn family leave needs to be protected federally.
FTFY, why shouldn’t we try to have both parents around while we’re at it.
For the people in the article complaining:
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Don’t invest in meme coins.
Good man servants are just so hard to find after the great rending.
Started reading it, and it’s about the 2020 election…like dude you are the current sitting president again, the 2020 election doesn’t matter anymore.