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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I don’t think the problem is with the foreign people accepting lower wages and forcing more competition. I believe it is more of a symptom/mechanism of wage theft. Which has been going on for decades to bleed the workforce dry and enslave them through unrepayable debts.

    Though I believe foreign graduates taking less pay for employment is not the problem or inherently bad, it’s not helping workers as a whole.

    I believe that in addition to your suggestions there would need to be stronger wage and worker protection laws to prevent companies from clearing out employees with longer tenure/higher rates of pay before enacting this specific type of policy.

    I think that would allow for a more healthy competition where incumbent workers/natural citizens won’t be replaced/undercut by foreign graduates who have to debase themselves by taking lesser pay for the same work.

    In my opinion it’s as if Trump would do this as a way to weaponize cheaper labor against the working class so corporations can improve their margin by slashing labor costs.

    I could be totally wrong, and am open to other opinions but maybe that’s where OP’s line of thinking may be.

  • PrOtEsTiNg Is NiCe AnD dAnDy, BuT hOw EfFeCtIvE hAs It BeEn LaTeLy?


    Looks pretty effective.

    Call me naive and ignorant, all you want. Many of the policies that have positively shaped anything over the past 50 years are being undone, in a quick and dramatic fashion like Roe v. Wade. We’re governed by chriso-fascists, anti-intellectuals, or the elderly in every branch of government. The only things that happen slowly are the things designed to benefit the many and are only passed because of concessions to benefit the few. It’s an open secret you can bribe congress and Supreme court justices without consequences. Appointing unqualified judges to supreme and federal courts gets you a get out of jail free card.

    How can the working class hope to influence policy if everyone they elect (by overcoming voter surpression and gerrandering) or who is appointed can be “lobbied”, bribed, blackmailed or given gifts to further their respective billionaires agendas?

    Given the results of the encampments and the results of our elected officials it looks like hitting the poles is > just misguided energy.

    One quick edit to say that everyone should still vote because we’re all fucked if that fascist mango colored felon gets elected.