Taiwanese communist? What world do you live in?
Taiwanese communist? What world do you live in?
Rumor has it that tiktok will be unplayable with accounts linked to an American SIM card
Only 30% of eligible voters vote. If even fewer vote it’s even easier for elections to be manipulated
Sounds specifically like torture
There was roughly 20 different elected positions on my ballot.
The real problem with American politics is everyone is so focused on the POTUS that they ignore the politicians who have an actual measurable effect on their quality of life.
I challenge anyone to look up your local town hall and see when the next city council meeting is. Go to it and see what they talk about and vote on. Notice the other people who go.
Many cities have public meetings for police oversite too. They’re even less attended than city council meetings
That’s Whataboutism.
Putin probably gets plenty of hate on Russian language social media. English language social media is going to be full of criticism of English language influencers.
There are more French speakers in Africa than there are in France and the French Language Authority is absolutley SEETHING at this fact because they’re losing control over “proper French” and for the first time ever French is evolving like a language should
That’s right. And then they conveniently forgot about the following midterms.
The youts turned on her when the allegations about how terrible she treated her dancers came out. Her tiktoks recieved tens of millions of likes before the allegations. Then she disappeared from the app
Ableism is the ugliest -ism
Do you believe there is a candidate for president who will end the genocide in Palestine? And also end the genocide of Ukrainians in Crimea?
More than half. But not all bigots are the same. Some are bashful aboutv their bigotry. Some are blind to their bigotry. Some are ashamed of their bigotry.
But trump and his followers are proud of their bigotry. Luckily they represent a minor percentage of Americans. Unfortunately they represent a large percentage of voting Americans
You might not care, but enough of her fans cared enough and were confused by her previous statements that she felt the need to post.
She’s famous enough that her approach to politics is news worthy. Whether you feel that’s true or not is immaterial because your just an anonymous rando who isn’t capable of influencing the zeitgeist at the scale of a platinum selling recording artist is
That is the essential premise of the book. It’s not a book that teaches you how to fix motorcycles it’s a book that teaches you how to find mindfulness while doing work that is familiar to you.
Just because your English professors taught at a university, does not mean they are the final authoritative word on how the English language is spoken.
Ah, but if those marginalized people challenge your opinions in anonymous forums suddenly you know their motivations best and have the best actionable plan. Got it
Is it surprising to you that those in power act to keep themselves in power? If it is surprising maybe it’s time to brush up on your theory. Das Kapital may be the seminal work on the topic, but as a California native i think Huey P Newton is more relevant to modern American life and better illustrates how bottom-up organization is more effective for creating actual change
Tell me more about what i fear and what motivates me. Or better yet, get off the internet and try praxis with real people in your community.
What’s wrong with fact checkers?