I keep wondering if the US will have to go in to protect Palestine. Unlikely because brown people.
I keep wondering if the US will have to go in to protect Palestine. Unlikely because brown people.
I think you misspelled capitalism.
Jim Crow, anyone?
Bernie Sanders again dropping Truth bombs.
The American public?
Wealth tax is the answer to “where will the money come from”
Just because they still exist doesn’t mean they aren’t ancient
He is a posse.
You know, I realized the other day that this is exactly what France did in supporting the USA in fighting against the British. I’m still not sure how ethical it is.
It’s so tricky, though. Is it better to stay in a hostile environment and vote, or move somewhere nicer, but make America more polarized? Everyone has to decide for themselves.
Just because they’re going to be more horrible in the future doesn’t mean we should get used to the horrors of today.
I think they’ll tell you that to your face.
You can date your wife
That pretty much describes all of Vegas.
Did you, though?
Hogwarts is amazing on Steam Deck
Could they have any less information?
Yeah, I’ve been doing great with 2.7.1 on iOS with iPhone 14.
I try to emphasize the value of hard work more than anything else. I don’t say, “wow, you’re so smart,” I say, “wow, you worked so hard on that.” I will say, “you look nice,” but more often, “good job working on your hair.”
Immigrants, amirite?