Crazy that they got 116 millions for that.
Crazy that they got 116 millions for that.
That’s the best no context quote of the year so far.
Nothing stops people from mix matching backup media.
If I lose the series I downloaded versus my family photos, not the same impact.
The value of loops right now is the attention it is getting. Buyers are trying to swoop in early and bet that they can capitalize on the growth to get more money from other investors.
VC are gambling money as always
I guess RPGs are based in reality after all.
Picking local versus imported has no effect whatsoever on the price of the transformed product.
Business will find the source of primary resources that is the cheapest for their needs. Best case scenario, local is what’s used already and prices won’t change.
Otherwise, the transformed product will cost more because either the businesses pay the new inflated price for imported resources or they switch to a local resources which is more expensive. Prices will raise no matter what.
Guess which one we’ll see happening?
Lots of morons believe that and argues assuming that this is right.
Tariffs only makes thing more expensive for everyone.
Let’s say you import steel at X$/ton and it cost Y$ locally where X < Y. You add a tariff T to make the imported steel on par with local steel.
Local steel still is as expensive and any production that uses imported steel now cost more.
Nothing went down in price, only up.
Now, there is a discussion to be had about buying local, but the immediate effect is that things will cost more even if manufacturers switch to local steel because they pay more for the same quantity no matter what.
This is a simplified version of the situation, but it explains the issue.
It wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t get fucked by proxy of America electing an old senile fascist.
I am Canadian and I will feel Trump’s presidency for a while
He doesn’t give a fuck about anything. It’s so tiring that people assume that he is rational and he cares.
The guy evaded prison for all the crimes he did. He won’t give a shit about that because it won’t stick, and his base will cheer him up no matter what he does.
I don’t even have to click the link to know what it is.
I haven’t laughed like that from a cartoon for a while. The guy is funny as fuck.
I don’t know your situation, but I am an overwhelmed father of two young kids and the only way I can cope is by choosing days where I make the time after the routine, knowing full well it will be a shitty day after that. No chores, unhealthy eating if I so choose and going to bed late.
It’s the best I’ve found so far that keeps me afloat. But we’re always one stuffy nose away from disaster.
Live service games and mobile games use the same psychological tricks to keep people coming back and entice people to buy microtransactions.
After that, the theme of the game appeal to different folks.
I’ve learned to recognize my triggers, but it took a lot of conscious efforts to achieve that. I still buy some microtransactions from time to time for free games I play a lot, but this is a conscious decision I make and not a trigger making me buy things.
And even then, I feel the temptations every time a cool skin is put straight in my face. The psychology behind all that has been distilled to a science and used against us.
The right kind of brain being most human being.
Companies have made everything in their power to find what is addictive and how to implement it in a game to squeeze more money from players.
No it is not wrong. Abortion, even of a healthy fetus, is not wrong and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
In states with heavy abortion restrictions, there is a surge of dumpster babies.
Instead of bringing a clump of cell to term only to abandon it, might as well just get rid of it altogether.
And let’s not forget that the lives of the immediate family are also impacted negatively.
Taking care of a child is a lot of work. Taking care of a child that has a disability is much more work.
Bang for bucks, ASRock is really good. I bought a mobo when the first gen of Ryzen came out and it is still rocking today. It supports up to Matisse series cpu. I paid like, 70-80 bucks back then. I had a lot of value out of it.
It is still living inside a home server and will be soon repurposed into an arcade cabinet.
Here is a bunch of random tips to become more comfortable with the terminal.
Do absolutely everything that you can on the terminal.
When you install something, enable the verbose if possible and snoop around the logs to see what is happening.
If an app or an install fails, look at the logs to see what is the issue, and try to fix it by actually resolving the error itself first instead of finding the commands on the internet to fix your issue.
Instead of googling for your command options, use the help menu from the application and try to figure out how to use the command from there.
It is by design. Pool a bunch of money, buy companies to bleed them dry. Wait for new companies to take their place, rinse and repeat.
It has been a constant barrage of misinformation spread across the world for decades.
We’ve seen many reports of misinformation farms from Russia, China and North Korea and this is the result of it.