You can often get such assistance if you are poor. If you aren’t, it’s expected you or your parents will cover basic costs.
You can often get such assistance if you are poor. If you aren’t, it’s expected you or your parents will cover basic costs.
Talk to her about it. Ask her why she is doing that and tell her how it makes you feel. Do you best to not get angry during that convo.
As a corollary, not doomscroling social media and news articles helps immeasurably. Seriously, stop it, it is not good for one’s health.
Spend more time doing things you enjoy.
Related: MMO RPG - Many men online role playing girls
Just do what you want, and don’t get caught up in the labels.
O, damnit. Not the last bastion of hope!
Edit: 100% serious. Like Rossmann, Brother was the go-to brand.
I’m fresh out of uni and I’m trying to learn new stuff, but idk what to do with my life anymore.
I’m assuming you are actively looking for a job in a field relevant to your degree? If not, that is your life until you find one; some branching out may be required if your particular field isn’t in demand.
I’m being offered to take a sysadmin certification for this particular distribution I know absolutely nothing about…The exam is free, but I must pass it, or else I must pay for it and then take it again.
Unless this certification is specifically listed as a requirement for a job your are applying to, don’t do the certification. They are normally expensive and not that helpful.
I think they mean profits are 545% of costs. Which would put revenue at 645% of costs.
Profit margin = (revenue - costs)/revenue = 545/645 = 84.5% profit margin.
So, yeah, headline is obtuse as hell and profit margins that high are either deliberately lies or grossly exploitative and uncompetitive.
If you have a question, ask it. Don’t fish for people’s personal info.
Yeah, kids are darn expensive. I’m damn happy my parents decided to have me despite that fact. :)
To answer OP’s question, also doing better than them at the same age. Big part of it was investing early (time-value of money is a massive deal) and keeping the same car forever. My parents have spent quite a bit on cars over the years, it is probably their largest reducible expense. I bought a lightly used crossover a long time ago, and it’s got a long life ahead of it.
I would put that as apolitical center-left. I would say though, don’t get too hung up on labels in general, they aren’t very important.
If they aren’t getting much traction somewhere, but are spending outsized resources there, it makes sense to redirect the manhours elsewhere.
Do note that SSDs are orders of magnitude slower than RAM (it’s why you have both, and not just a giant SSD). You can feel the machine come to a screeching halt the moment swap is used for active tasks.
Yeah, it is basically never worth the effort to de-solder and re-solder RAM. It’s why people rail so hard on it and why you should pay attention to it’s (non-) existence next computer you buy. It hurts you years down the line when what should have been a cheap upgrade is turned into simply binning what you own and buying new.
Thunderbird would be the go-to product for emails.
The East is in a poor state because The West illegally annexed it
Wut? Germany was a singular country until the Soviet Union occupied half of it. Re-uniting the occupied territories with the rest of the country is literally the opposite of an illegal annexation.
If someone is feeling locked into the Microsoft ecosystem, empowering them to unshackle themselves from a large part of it is important. It makes the transition later so, so much easier when you don’t need to figure out OS-agnostic softwares across the board.
That said, if you are thinking of ripping the band-aid off all at once, I am 100% on board with it. Just not everyone is ready for it.
‘swap to linux’ o’clock
On a 100% unrelated note. This reminded me of a Half Life / Eve colab video: Clear Skies. It’s hot drop o’clock!
You don’t even have to for this one. Just use Libre Office, it supports every notable OS. Been using it for years.
Well, they certainly didn’t help by running a candidate that got destroyed in the only primary she ran in. I’m hoping they will step up and run some solid candidates next round. It’s fucking embarrassing they lost to Trump…twice.
Are you asking why the USSR didn’t send a missile to blow up the US moon lander on the moon? What purpose would that serve?
Are you asking why we haven’t found intelligent species on other planets currently involved in a war? Well, we haven’t found intelligent species on other planets yet at all.