In conservative politics.
In conservative politics.
Revealed? We always knew that was the case.
He’s trying to convert our corporate oligarchy into genuine feudalism. That’s been the right-wing MO for over half a century.
Advertisers will go where people are. Unless people are leaving the Zuckerverse, the advertisers will just go along with it.
I am fine with California seceding.
Or the entire western seaboard becoming a new Canadian province.
I remain in awe that someone who is Constitutionally ineligible to hold office, who is a rapist, and a convicted felon, an enemy of democracy, was not only on ballots, but won an election, and was permitted to be sworn in.
The US is not a country of law, nor a government by or for the people. It is a fully captured oligarchy.
Don’t worry, silly things like law or Constitution don’t hold any power now. His Majesty King Trump is above such things.
I’d suggest doing a little reading on what the political spectrum means, because they aren’t.
When you think a Siberian winter is normal spring weather, even ice cream seems warm.
Their excuse is that telecom services aren’t actually providing telecom services, but information services.
If that doesn’t make sense to you, it’s because you aren’t brain-damaged.
In my experience, every time someone claims “the Bible says so” to justify their own evil, it doesn’t actually say that. And when it seems ambiguous, a little bit of basic academic research clears it right up. And guess what? Still doesn’t say what they say it does. But no amount of evidence or explanation or research will change their minds because it was never important to them in the first place, but a convenient justification for being monstrous. Like you said, “appeal to authority”.
While consumers can benefit from falling prices, persistent deflation can also lead to a downward spiral for spending and investment.
This seems like an absolute win.
But it won’t. The word “Christian” doesn’t mean “a person who follows the teachings of christ”, it just means you’re a member of a hyper-authoritarian political club.
I try to live the way Jesus demanded people live. It’s very humanist, almost buddhist, even. But I would never, ever call myself “Christian” because it stands for the opposite of everything Jesus stood for. It’s very decidedly anti-christ.
There are no consequences for deliberate DMCA misuse/abuse. It was designed as a tool to be abused solely by those with deep pockets, so it’s working exactly as intended.
Jury nullification is a Constitutional Right.
Not that the US Constitution is worth a damn in 2024.
It’s hard to say. They put out some great stuff that filled some genuine gaps in the market… then the whole thing with the one case happened. It’s very possible they’ve always been shady creeps and we just didn’t notice right away.
“How dare you use a word that means ‘genocidal, imperialist, apartheid, ethnostate’ in a way that explicitly means ‘genocidal, imperialist, apartheid, ethnostate’!” - Twitch, active supporters and enablers of genocidal, imperialist, apartheid ethnostates.
I mean, his trade war mentality the first time is what put us in this situation to begin with. I don’t know how anyone will be surprised when the price of literally everything starts skyrocketing again next year.
Stronger worker protections and incentives for new businesses would help.
this has less to do with using AI, more to do with sloppy code reviews and code quality enforcement.
They are the same picture.
You’ll need to cite your sources on that, though the APA style guide doesn’t have a citation format for “conservative grandparents with dementia.”
That would be great. It would make it a lot easier to convince people to try Ubuntu.