“The media is full of shit. OK?” Loomer said
Given the stories about what Trump’s staffers say about his BO, she knows shit. Up close and personal.
“The media is full of shit. OK?” Loomer said
Given the stories about what Trump’s staffers say about his BO, she knows shit. Up close and personal.
I see this too. I assumed it was the result of one of the many FF add-ons I need to use to keep Youtube usable.
Dividing the GOP between those who are public vile extremists and those that keep their vial extremism more private.
Ideally it’d be a check that comes close to what they saved from no longer hosting caches themselves.
Oh good. By avoiding trial Nestle has more time to enslave children.
There’s someone out there named Leon Musk who’s day just got profoundly weirder.
If the docs I have to write are long enough I will include a small diatribe about a ancient pop-culture hill I’m still willing to die on, just to see if anyone notices.
That looks like the media endpoint in action, all right.
I was thinking pressing it turns everything to shit, but that works too. I’d also accept, completely misunderstood by future generations.
My only real hope out of this is that that copilot button on keyboards becomes the 486 turbo button of our time.
Quick, someone homebrew a D&D Myconid/Warforged hybrid.
I don’t think Lemmy supports media fields in comments (though I’ve only skimmed the API, I could be wrong) just on posts. I usually use Postimages for hosting images for comments.
But until your vote is turned in those stickers are lies.
Here’s a video of The Oregonian trying to fix the situation.
One county offers proper stickers and I think the county that Portland is in (Multnomah) offers “virtual” stickers, but I’ve never lived in those counties.
Oregon’s long running vote-by-mail means that, despite voting in every election since I was 18, I’ve never been to polling place or gotten an I Voted sticker. One of these would make up for that.
Be sure to use the image upload field too
The summer before the 2020 election I was working on some cybersecurity outreach with CISA, UofO, and DHS. The guy from DHS pivoted half the discussions into how much worse that topic had become for them since the Iran Deal was cancelled by Trump. A not-entirely-intended (but well understood) benefit of the deal had been that Iran wasn’t willing to risk it ending by partaking in any overt cyber offensives against the US.
I’ve had more than one person tell me they don’t think microblogging is worth any learning curve whatsoever. They’d rather not use anything than have a single conversation about federation or feed building.
We can’t make money paying for “AI”, going to theaters, or paying for streaming services.
So I guess everybody gets a piracy!
In the rare occasions that my wife needs to use my phone, I need to type my (12 digit) pincode out on a number pad and read it back to her to be sure I get it right. I can type it flawlessly a dozen times a day but if I try to recite it, I screw up the order.