Thanks for explaining!
Thanks for explaining!
it’s a new feature i think
deleted by creator
My best hyptothesis is that in the center of each of those disks a hole may have been or still is through which pond water is wicking upwards and melting the snow in a circular fashion before freezing and coming to a halt. Hence the almost perfect circular shape and the weird lighter color in the center … notice the crack in the center of the disk in the foreground?
How would you implement blocking at the invidual level, i take it you mean it to be content category based?
Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom from consequences for your speech.
It is when it comes to the consequence being not being able to speak. if my speech has at its consequence that it pisses off people in power in a group then freedom of speech means that they wont stifle my speech when it threatens their power or is deemed undesirable for other than rule breaking reasons.
What i mean like the jury system were 12 random users for example might be picked and then they get to vote on a case.
I think something were there was a jury system, part of your social media experience would be to sit jury for a queue of cases. and you just vote by button press along with 12 others to decide on bans and the like.
I think I found this out a bit late. I was looking for something that allows for free speech while preventing anti-social content/behaviour.
The line should strictly be drawn at anti-social behaviour like the examples you gave but free speech that is within the limits of what is reasonable should not be stifled.
prevent the gore pictures but dont band somebody posting their christian rock band or their satanist book club
There’s ways to “not follow the hive mind”
that depends on the community r/conservative gets you banned for even slight deviation from allowed opinions.
I would also be fine if insults, hate speech, lies, predejcue, riling up and hate and spam and off topic are prevented but legitimate speech remains uncensored.
basically all speech that doesnt break the rules.
No not at all there are limits to free speech for example screeming fire in a packed theatre.
I don’t think it should be in the hands of individuals but it should probably be community based idk, maybe through voting or some better system. like a sort of distributed moderation instead of centralized.
I’m saying that the opinions that people piled onto were generally worth piling onto.
Oh come on you know this isn’t true!
On numerous reddit communities there was a very slim overton window and if you say something that is totally a reasonable thing to say you but diverges from the consensus you get downvoted to oblivion and sometimes even mods take action. You know this is true. Don’t believe me google it. Otherwise I’m going to assume you are not arguing in good faith.