Care to expand on that one? I know he’s ex military but haven’t heard anything like that before.
Care to expand on that one? I know he’s ex military but haven’t heard anything like that before.
I’m not sure how this works if it’s never turned off? Are you always evolving someone’s head? Like 1 person in your line of sights head explodes per second or does everyone need you just get a headache?
Humans have a really good digestive tract for getting nutrients out of food. So you take a lot of the mass of the food you eat and use it in your body as energy or building material. As such your poop has significantly smaller mass because it’s made up of all the stuff you’re body can’t use after it’s pulled out so the good bits.
As for dogs my understanding is they have a shorter digestive tract to allow them to eat the nasty stuff does seem to like without getting sick so they are probably less efficient at removing nutrients and poop more proportionally to what they eat.
That’s good to hear. I got to play some of the prologue yesterday and hearing the PDA boop in the intro took me right back. I’m looking forward to being immersed in that atmosphere again.
I was waiting for stalker 2. Super psyched to play it this weekend. The first 3 are some of my all time favourite games.
Have you tried fallout London?
My wife and I stayed with her parents for Christmas this year. We had a lovely day with them and her granddad. Her mum made an excellent Christmas dinner.
It’s traditionally a massive meal in the UK. Good could of days worth of calories.
Like green beans. Not baked.
The UK has turkey with all the trimmings. Roast potatoes, stuffing, Yorkshire pudding (oven cooked pancake mix), roast parsnips, carrots, Brussel sprouts, beans, pigs in blankets (sausage wrapped in bacon). Usually served with gravy and cranberry sauce.
My favourite is usually stuffing or pigs in blankets. Turkey is usually just worse chicken and roast potatoes need to be just right.
We do: my wife’s stuff and our t-shirts with pictures for delicates wash and literally everything else goes in on a standard wash cycle.
Sounds like you’re getting a house at some point. That’s great for you. Regarding the whole landlord issue you are struggling with: not all landlords are bad, in this circumstance your basically just offering extra space your not using in your house to someone else. That’s pretty reasonable. If you really don’t vibe with being a landlord in any capacity you could always sell up once it’s your house and buy something smaller just for you.
Honestly most cancer therapy is like that. Chemo and radio are basically working on the fact that your body is more resilient than cancer cells so they will likely die before you do. They are not pleasant things to go through. Surgery is your best option if it’s available and that involves chopping out chunks of yourself.
Yeah seconding this. If your work is putting you somewhere you need protective equipment they should provide it or a budget for you to get your own. That’s how it works in the UK at least, it might be worth asking if they provide a budget or anything.
Otherwise for boots your first step is to get some decent socks, I’d recommend wool outer layer and something absorbent as a base layer. Then you want to go try on some leather boots with a rubber sole wearing your socks, you might want to get a slightly bigger size so you can put an insole insert in as well. Make sure the boots aren’t too tight with your extra socks on as you need space to trap the heat but they shouldn’t slide around.
Dunno about diverse but deep rock galactic had the nicest community of an online multiplayer game I’ve ever encountered at least whilst I was playing it. Genuinely wholesome which is practically unheard of for an online multiplayer game.
We don’t as far as I know. St John is usually pronounced Saint John. Though English is weird and you might have come across a local pronunciation. Do you know where abouts in the UK that one comes from?
Take a cooking class. Learn how to manage a kitchen fire with a fire blanket or extinguisher and get one of each. Start practicing. You’ll burn stuff and make food that’s no good but you’ll get better. Start simple with stuff like pasta.
Something to talk to your therapist about maybe. Definitely focus on yourself as your priority though. Do things which make you happy, exercise, seeing friends / family, spending time outside.
Sounds like you’re still working through depression to me. Be kind to yourself, give yourself time to heal and work through things, I’m glad you’ve found a therapist that’s a great step. Do you think you want to go back to the industry or could you be avoiding it subconsciously? Something that has helped me a lot is journaling, you can wipe down your goals and break them down into smaller goals if needed.
Well damn. That’s a pretty cool thing to do. Thanks for sharing.