Comrade Kamela is my favourite radical left Marxist Communist Leninist Maoist Feminist Philatelist.
Comrade Kamela is my favourite radical left Marxist Communist Leninist Maoist Feminist Philatelist.
I prefer the multi thread problems that can be solved using queues.
Speaking of the 80s I got a C64 and a friend let me copy a few 90 minute tapes with a bunch of games.
Wow multi-terabyte in minutes! There are not many ISPs delivering 100Gbps and even fewer are delivering 1000Gbps.
Unless you live on top of a data center.
Best case scenario the felon loses and spends the next 4 years finding out.
Okay the dictionary is wrong, do you have a better dictionary?
2pt… Had an important point: piracy = copyright infringement.
Blocking ads is a ToS violation, not piracy.
I understand your reasoning for calling ad-blocking for piracy, but I’m not sure I agree, or else we have to split “piracy” into degrees.
Rational Rose etc. could generate code from UML diagrams, then you “only” needed architects.
In reality it only gave a little help during the design phase, as soon as someone touches the generated code, you have to manually merge changes to UML.
I see that the study uses 48mg sucralose in 60ml water amounting to 0.8g/liter.
My Cola recipe with pure sucralose uses 0.167g/liter this should be equivalent to normal soda sweetness of 100g sugar/liter.
The issue I had with sucralose was that it seemed to go out of solution in the syrup that’s why my current Cola recipe uses a mix of sucralose/saccharin/stevia in the ratio of 30/30/40 which amounts to 0.05g sucralose/liter so if I drink 1 liter of soda I’ll get the same amount as their study.
The reason I continue to use sucralose is that it rounds out the flavor of saccharin and stevia.
Okay not all Diet Coke uses sucralose, but you can still buy Diet Coke with Splenda
As I understand diet coke uses sucralose, not aspartame as sweetener.
Sucralose has a different sweetness profile, much closer to real sugar and is not bitter. Compared to aspartame in zero/light that needs 0.2g salt/liter to cover up the bitterness.
They have many more headlines: Trump doesn’t care about:
It’s more than a month ago Biden stepped aside and trump is still out of ideas. Guess he is still working on that infrastructure bill.
Dune mini series?
Cauldron 2 for C64 you start playing and find out you have no clue how to progress the game.
He’s okay at fleecing and grifting the rubes, but that’s about it.
Or “okay…”
“Then it’s cash only…”
Inflation is everywhere :-)
I think it’s safer than Inject-bleach pilled