What’s there to talk about? Leftists kept trying to tell you that the Democrats were going to lose the election if they didn’t start listening to their base. The Democrats didn’t listen to their base, and got walloped everywhere.
What’s there to talk about? Leftists kept trying to tell you that the Democrats were going to lose the election if they didn’t start listening to their base. The Democrats didn’t listen to their base, and got walloped everywhere.
It’s specifically about being against the narrative. George Bush could come out and say he did 9/11 to destroy Hillary Clinton’s checks to Jeffrey Epstein saying “For child prostitutes/adrenochrome” and they would go on about how that’s just a psyop to make people go back into quarantine
Is Musk’s criticism that SA ended apartheid?
Do you have nay idea how many “protecting children” types are pedophiles? Trump could mandate 13 year old sex slaves and the Pizzagate crowd would cheer.
People don’t want to be servers. They are there because they have no other options
Rent has gone up a lot more than 15% in the past decade. The whole system is rotten and needs to be abolished, but all the servers i know are absolutely struggling right now and depend on getting a 20% tip on each table. How would you feel if half your paychecks were randomly 25% less? Stop going to restaurants that expect a tip by all means, but if you are going somewhere that expects it, you should tip.
So could you and your coworkers, but restaurant owners are the sleazist, scummiest, and greediest business owners in your community guaranteed. A restaurant in my town had the entire staff fired and the restaurant closed for a month because the owner would rather miss out on a month of business than pay a fair wage.
Servers usually have to pay in X% of their total sales to the back of house. So if you stiff me on a $90 check, i lose $3 because i still have to pay that much in. I actually had a slow night where bith tables stiffed me so i actually left the restaurant $4 poorer than when i entered. Because ihad a better night the next shift, the owner was able to average me out so that he didn’t have to pay me more than the server minimum wage.
I’m 100% on board with ending tipping, i am just saying that stiffing your server won’t do anything to end it.
Thrn stop going to restaurants that expect a tip. Don’t go to a restaurant and stiff your server. I spent 6 months last year living on $300 a week because people weren’t tipping at the bar i was working at. The bar is still open, but the new bartender is in the exact same position.
You don’t take a job at a restaurant or a bar because your life is doing great. You are there because you have no other options.
Believe it nor not, most people do not live in Washington.
That’s over the course of a pay period though. So if i make $40 on a slow night, but $200 the next night, that evens out and the boss doesn’t have to pay out.
I am not defending tipping, but change will only happen from the top down. All the full time servers at the restaurant i work at are at “i cant pay my bills” level of struggling right now and we live in a super cheap area. Stiffing your server won’t end tipping, it’s just taking a meal away from them or their kids while the owner is just fine. Legislation is the only thing that will end the system, qnd that’s where the reform needs to happen.
Yeah, I’m not defending tipping in the US, but not tipping is only screwing over the server. You don’t end up working at a restaurant because you love it, you are there because your life is a mess and it’s closest thing you can get to a stable job. If you don’t want to tip, then don’t go out to eat.
Back in October i had a guy “leave a tip” that said “Kamala bullshit” because he was mad his double of jack and coke cost $8. I don’t set the prices, i also think it’s bullshit, but i was weeknight bartending because I couldnt find any other job.
The reason is that minimum wage has been stagnant for the last 20 years. Servers are still getting paid $5 an hour plus their tips.
All you are doing is punishing some poor server who has no control of the price. The owner who is actually fucking both you and the staff over is unaffected.
Complain all you want, but not tipping is straight up taking money from someone who is getting paid $5 an hour. Complain to ownership, write your congressman and state legislators, but not tipping only punishes someone who is barely scrapping by.
Damn, here i thought my beetle had a button that would allow me to find out what my passenger was thinking
ACA eas what the Republicans were pushing for 20 years ago. Obamacare was straight up a copy of Mitt Romney’s healthcare plan in Massachusetts, jjst at the federal level.
Because the Democrats jave just been a controlled opposition party since Regan.
How far up your own ass do you have to be to actually believe that people actually want ads?