They will never get him.
They will never get him.
Lol!! iPhones are the lifeblood of “holier than thou” Leftist TikTok influencers.
They will have no problem continuing their hold on the general public. It’s an addiction.
There is. The Switch cannot push graphics like the PS5 Pro, but is still one of the best selling consoles in history. Most Nintendo produced games are graphically basic, but so well stylized and optimized that nobody cares! They are good fun games.
Since we are “what-about-ing” like there is no tomorrow:
I had a feeling that there had to be some (just a couple…) friends included in that sweeping action.
We would have a detailed list of names and addresses, their ties to the President and whether or not they ever had even a sip of Russian made Vodka (which is of course grounds to label them a Russian asset) if it was Trump doing this.
A resistance coalition isn’t insurrection when it’s a left leaning coalition.
Oh, you weren’t talking about the American media kabal?
Sorry, your description matched so well.
All of the statues that got wrecked would like a word.
Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?
So then you agree with the death penalty, yes? Since those people can’t handle the responsibility of being a functional part of society?
I would be absolutely fine with allowing for abortion up to the point of hearing a heartbeat if that’s the scientific consensus for the definition of life.
Unfortunately, heartbeat bills have been demonized to no end because (again) “it’s my way or fuck you!!”
I am not unsupportive of women’s rights, I am willing to be supportive of the rights of those who may not be able to speak for themselves.
But you are still completely rejecting the idea that the fetus has any right to exist. You still have it fixed in your thoughts that the “bundle of cells” is not actually a form of life. As I said, if there was a scientific consensus on this, that would be a different story. But again, nobody wants to come to that consensus.
Totally not even related (/s): what is your stance on the meat processing industry? Do you feel sympathy for the creatures that do not have a voice?
I’m not against abortion in cases where the mothers life is in danger and cases of proven rape (yeah, I know that one is going to piss people off because many on the pro-abortion side are also on the side of “believe all women no matter what because women never EVER lie about anything! Men are the scourge of the planet and should be eradicated”)
I am 100% against using abortion as birth control.
If we could reach a scientific consensus as to when “life” actually starts, I would be 100% for allowing abortion up to that point. But nobody wants to reach that consensus.
My current mindset is based on this: if we found a bundle of living cells (not even a fully formed human) on Mars, our entire world view would change dramatically! Everything would come into question: religion, politics, everything.
Why is it that here on Earth, a bundle of cells isn’t given as much weight as it would on another planet? Just because you might have to make sacrifices?
I don’t know whether or not we are snuffing out any consciousness when a fetus is aborted, but I do know that neither side of the argument wants to even discuss it because it’s either all or nothing, my way or fuck you!
I would rather err on the side of caution. Maybe we should not be so willy nilly about ending possible life. Also, maybe we should come to some kind of acceptable consensus.
Please proceed to post all of your “fuck you for thinking about anything other than unrestricted abortion access!!” comments below:
Edit: I am not a religious person. Pretty far from it. I shouldn’t have to make that point since online forums like this have made it perfectly clear that religious people in the US are totally not being persecuted, but I know that many of you will probably just brush off my comments as “religious loony shit” if I don’t make my position on religion crystal clear.
What if he ushers in world peace? Will that be on them or on Trump or will that be because of you and whatever DNC stooge is being anointed next?
Typical. Don’t care about the actual struggles of us “brown people”. “Just shut up and be my prop! I’ve got a political statement to make!”
Sorry your slaves are being taken from you.
As I mentioned below. I know more about this issue first hand and gone through more than you probably ever will in your life.
Low energy. Son, you would have crumbled if you had to grow up the way I did.
This sounds a bit anecdotal or even hyperbolic (maybe not the Florida bit, I don’t know I don’t live there so I don’t know what’s going on there).
…pound the table about migrants…
Why is it so impossible for this side of the argument to understand that the issue is with illegal migrants taking advantage of the system? You all go so far as to say things like “there is no such thing as an illegal immigrant!”
Yes. Yes there is. By legal definition there is! And as the son of a legal immigrant, someone who has been directly involved with this system, I absolutely do take issue with this country opening the flood gates to allow skirting of the system. As do MOST legal immigrants as was shown by this election!
Here comes the Democrats again. Complaining that their slaves are being taken away.
Real question here: what bum fucked counties still bubble in their choices with a pencil?
I live in LITERALLY bum fucked Texas and we have electronic voting! Still paper ballot, but it’s all done electronically.
deleted by creator
Nah, He didn’t.
But you construct whatever batshit insane reality you need too bud. Everyone needs a boogey man that they can direct their self hatred toward.
The quote made during a televised back and forth discussion with a doctor:
“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?”
Honestly, if the message you got from this quote was “HE SAID INJECT BLEACH!!”, you either have a severe comprehension issue, understand but still choose to live in your fantasy, or you just consider internet headlines the most credible source of news available.