trumpdemic incoming.
trumpdemic incoming.
It only gets weirder.
Umm, to use your resume to train AI?
Not wondering why over here. Wondering what can be done to stop it.
Wait, what, you mean my saying something in a comment to a post doesn’t automagically make that thing happen?!?
And just like that, no one ever bought a jeep, ever again.
Indeed, it’s a distraction. smh.
I have a sunroom, what sort of numbers are you asking for? It’s a partly cloudy day, about 22C in the room, without heat. And about 7C outside.
In the Northern hemisphere, in Winter the Sun is at a low angle, so vertically oriented panels might produce more. As an example, I have a sunroom and at Winter’s Solstice the sunlight reaches about 3-4 meters into the room. At Summer’s Solstice there is no direct sunlight in the room, as the Sun is overhead.
This incident shows trumpi’s fundamental lack of understanding. FTFY.
I think I see where you are judging this.
I’m pretty sure The Judge gets to be the judge of that, not the Executive.
Hey friend, sorry you are hurting. What’s happening is real. Do what you gotta do. I’ll do me. It’s not good for me, or IMHO for others to ‘roll over’ and play the victim. Mental health matters, maybe see what one thing you can do to first help yourself, then maybe consider helping others. I think it’s important to give input, ongoing. If I gave you a job (elected you to it), and then gave you no feedback as to what I wanted you to accomplish for the entire term of your employment, until years later (vote you in again, or continue your contract), would that really be the way to do things? Or should I give you feedback?
Gee, I guess you should tell your representatives to just roll over and give up, is that what you suggest? As for me, and my representatives, phone calls every day. (https://www.5calls.org/) Protestors at the state capitol EVERY DAY. But sure, you do you. I’ll be there, jumping back and forth fast enough that it looks like there are two of us, to make up for you slacking. And when you’ve had your down time, when you’ve recharged yourself, maybe think about joining us.
Por que no los tres?
Are you a wizard, or what!?! When I was a child, driving each morning East to the labor camp, and West home for my bowl of thin gruel, I promised myself I would only accept a job that was East of my home.
I think I’m following you. So if we added LiDAR, thermal sensors, and a couple of chickens to the car we’d be able drive the vehicle ourselves, optimally.
One can only hope.
I feel that way, sometimes, too. ;-)