So… Putin can’t take Ukraine and is losing a not insignificant part of their military capabilities and yet we’re concerned that we’re going to deal with more war with Russia? Are they going to be coming after Europeans with sharpened sticks?
So… Putin can’t take Ukraine and is losing a not insignificant part of their military capabilities and yet we’re concerned that we’re going to deal with more war with Russia? Are they going to be coming after Europeans with sharpened sticks?
I thought the rules were changed to allow this? I don’t remember the specifics but I remember being irritated that we were allowing them to keep their tax exempt status but also allowing them to get involved in politics…
One of those pieces of shit was literally quoted saying fox fucking news was a good model to follow… That they have “real journalism” surrounded by opinion shows…
Yeah guy, and if you paid any attention at all you’d know that Fox viewers HATED the real journalists like Shepard Smith because he had to actually read news and not orders handed down as to what to say…
CNN is just going to be Fox lite soon enough… Just what we needed. Not one less propaganda outlet, but one more terrible one…
This is exactly our problem.
Yes yes Trump is absolutely an issue, but it’s propaganda outlets that are ruining the country. I have no solution to that problem. It’s important to have a free press, but they are 100% taking advantage of that.
They stupidly set the stage for people like Trump, but they think they’re just doing R vs D shit so they can get their asshole of choice into power. Well the people tend to get more crazy than anyone would prefer so you open the door for them and you have no control over who enters.
Not in that term, but as a concept. I do know it now though so thanks!
I have absofuckinglutley no faith whatsoever in our society to do the right thing in this respect. We value ownership waytoofuckingmuch when it comes to businesses, were never going to get past the argument of “I put forward the capital for this business, I am entitled to all of the profits. Who cares that there is no work for you? No work no pay.”
I forsee a gigantic increase in homelessness and politicians will use that as an excuse to further cut any social spending as they’ll pin all our issues on “communist policies.” :(
It’s looking more and more depressing on that front too…
Apparently we’re discovering that our type of star system with its long periods of stability and lack of local disruptive bodies is incredibly, incredibly, rare… There are a (literal) astronomical amount of systems out there so there’s no way we’re the only one with life, but it’s really looking like there could only be a “handful” of others out there :/
If he’s actually serious about this I can’t believe how anyone could possibly believe he is actually a democrat… It’s like every single thing he does helps Republicans and the parasite donor class. I feel like all I ever read is “Manchin shoots down Democrats attempt to xyz” constantly… Hell even your comment shows how conservatives like him more than liberals. In my mind he’s always been a selfish spoiler.
That’s why they increased the price. They know soon you won’t have a choice
I don’t have a link for it, but I read that YouTube is working on a 3 strikes policy for anyone using AdBlock programs… So after the 3rd warning you’re not able to watch anything on YouTube at all…
I almost wish it was that simple. Unfortunately it’s more about greed and the vast majority of politicians being owned by those with real power (money).
It’s not a right vs left thing it’s a right AND corporate left vs the tiny percentage of DSA Democrats that actually want to get a universal/single payer system up and running… I’m not usually a “BoTh SiDeS” guy but in this case it absolutely is. We have a LOT of shitty corporate Democrats unfortunately… The GOP is completely a lost cause though.
It’s such an uphill battle because the vast majority of BOTH parties need the Parasite Owning Class™ to back them, and some count on the extremely well paid board member type jobs they’re given after they serve in government. The types of jobs handed out so that they can argue they don’t accept bribes and haven’t been paid by anyone (yet…) It’s a gross loophole that really needs to be addressed.
I’m “technically/mechanically inclined” as they say, but formally, “professionally,” I’m just a worthless factory worker schmuck lol
No no no you don’t get it, if we just remain on our high horse and keep the white gloves on, if we just say please a few more times, they’ll finally stop acting like fascist children! We can’t do something or the moderates might think we’ve gone too far by actually doing something and we’ll lose them to the childish fascists.
“Inaction is positive action!” -some moron probably.
I always just say “I’d be better if you were checking my prostate” but I always get kicked out right after! I can never quite put my finger in why though…
I’m literally some dumb dude just making a joke…
Fox was created to control what Republicans think about their elected officials. It’s propaganda. The executives being all “omg it’s a disinformation machine” is absurd given they know what they intended to create which is why I made the joke about “obvious thing is obvious.”
If you didn’t know that’s what they did then you learned it from the article, if you already knew then hopefully you just chuckle at a dumb joke. My comment doesn’t affect anyone in a negative way, all I aim to do is make someone laugh it’s not nefarious…
Not so fun fact: the constitution allows for slavery as long as it’s a punishment for a crime.
Hmmm… Nah, those dots don’t connect at all.
Propagandists say propaganda network creates propaganda!
Next up: Water did you know it makes you wet?
Stay tuned after for our coverage of the sun! It went down this evening, what will happen tomorrow morning?
Are you saying that Lemmy does have those algorithms? Because this shit is never boring lol so many instances I never wanted to see or know existed…
Slightly related: how many freaking instances of “yiff” shit do we need!? I couldn’t believe I was STILL seeing it after I blocked like 7 separate instances lol
That shit makes me so angry it’s crazy… Socialism for the corporations, “rugged individualism” for the citizens…
Republicans will scream and cry about socialism when we discuss healthcare, but gladly give corporations all the public money/wealth they could possibly want while also allowing them to charge us for the “product” they create…
Ex-fucking-cuse me?
We’ve reached “helping puppies is literally devil worship” from these fucking psychos…
Diversity and inclusion… The act of not excluding people unnecessarily, that is a bridge too far for these hate-filled wastes of oxygen?
“I want to live in a world where corporations dictate the viability of our planet for life, where anyone can discriminate against anyone for any reason, and where we are all completely identical in skin color and culture.”
That’s the Republican utopia? Holy shit “conservatives” look in the mirror and ask yourself if you’re the bad guy here before you go vote. (Spoiler: you are if you support them)