designed to smuggle progressive attitudes toward climate change, and diversity and inclusion, into executive suites and corporate boardrooms
Ex-fucking-cuse me?
We’ve reached “helping puppies is literally devil worship” from these fucking psychos…
Diversity and inclusion… The act of not excluding people unnecessarily, that is a bridge too far for these hate-filled wastes of oxygen?
“I want to live in a world where corporations dictate the viability of our planet for life, where anyone can discriminate against anyone for any reason, and where we are all completely identical in skin color and culture.”
That’s the Republican utopia? Holy shit “conservatives” look in the mirror and ask yourself if you’re the bad guy here before you go vote. (Spoiler: you are if you support them)
One of the many many many things I’ve hated about Trump is that it doesn’t even need to specifically align with his interests as long as it doesn’t get in his way.
Republicans: “we’re going to do XYZ.”
Trump: “Will that affect me? If not who cares, have fun.”