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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • Yes, my husband was on the suspended list in our county for years, despite us owning the same home since 2013. He’d even fill out the little address verification card and send it back, stating that the location on record was still valid. Didnt matter, because every single election he would still pop up “suspended” at the polls. He had his TDL, and he’d have to fill out an extra form, but he’d be allowed to vote.

    This year, I decided enough was enough and we put our house up for sale, because once I leave Texas this time, I’m not coming back.

    I contacted our county registrars office to get our VUIDs so I could update our new address at our rental, and we found out he just…didnt have a VUID? They had no record of him voting in Texas at all…yet he’s been able to vote with a “suspended” status with his TDL for years now…living at an address he hasnt deviated from since he originally registered in Texas.

    Honestly, I think he was just finally removed since he’d been in “suspended” so long 🤷‍♀️. Im unsure if it was a legit mistake, or if some genuine fuckery was going on.

    But we’re all gucci now. Both confirmed registration again back in September. Awaiting 21 Oct with bated breath!

  • Actually thats HELLA good to know. I havent really settled on anything yet since I’m still active duty/getting through my masters degree, and I’ve got about 4 years to retirement, but that is going to be a huge influence.

    My buddy actually moved out to St Paul, and he says he’s about 40 mins from Wisconsin’s border. He’s the one who gave me the idea because he’s been begging my husband and I to move out there, as he’s very Lefty and loves it, and he thinks we would too. I don’t disagree with him, I was just in tunnel vision with my literal personal crusade, until he mentioned how close he was to the Wisconsin border. I was like “Oh I could definitely be a Public Defender there then!”

    Thank you so much for the information!

  • Honestly? Same.

    I’m currently getting my Masters degree in Public Admin so I can go to law school after I retire from the military. I wanted to specifically move to a red state because I know no matter what happens in November, red state legislature will always affect the disenfranchised population moreso than in blue states.

    However, now that the military has left me in Texas for this long (10+ years by the time I retire), I’m fucking tired.

    So, the tentative plan now (I still have 4 years) has switched from moving to Florida post-military, to instead moving to Minnesota, and then taking the bar in Wisconsin to practice (and yes, eventually other red states that I have experience in…like Texas 🤮). I think itll be better for my mental health which will help me top of my game for assigned clients.

    Ugh, and to think, pre-2016 my plan was to retire and be a night shift manager at a Circle K.

    Edit: Also fuck hot weather year round.

  • Thank you, I appreciate it. We’re pretty low contact as I live across the country, so I only really talk to him on holidays/birthdays to begin with, but this was an odd one-off.

    I mostly really stay in contact at all because my brother has 2 babies, and the entire family is conservative (to the point that theyre considering home schooling the kiddos), and Im worried theyll never get ANY outside influence if my husband and I dont make an effort.

    Its probably a worthless effort, because mentally I can only handle going home every year or so (and I make it as close to a 72 hr trip as possible), but I just feel like Im abandoning them completely if I cut everyone off now.

  • This fucking lie ended a conversation (that started about plumbing of all things!) between myself and my father with me screaming at him for being racist and him hanging up on me saying “Enjoy your fucking liberal life. Im hanging up now. Love you. Bye.”

    As a rule, I do NOT speak politics with my family because theyre HUGE MAGAts and Im the exact opposite. But my father is one who HAS to bait me. He just…its in his fucking DNA code or something. And usually I grit my teeth through it, but I couldnt this time.

    Ughhhhh this pisses me off so much because I really thought that he would snort and roll his eyes at THIS lie at least. But no. He unironically believes this shit. Its fucking dangerous.

  • Late to the game but it was DnD night for me! Nearly lost a party member but our cleric pulled a revivify! (Honestly with the diamond requirement, we pulled some shenanigans to get it to work but the DM was chill about it). But @ 2300 hrs, the fucking bad guy came back with a second health bar and like all of us are tapped for spells and potions, so we’ll see next session who actually makes it out! Got my second character set up already!

  • He wants to send his daughters to school in a place where they’re not only being valued for their wombs. Where they’re looked at as being equal contributors to their field of study. Where they’re provided opportunities the same as every other scholar there, and not assumed to be in college to find a husband.

    And, yes, there is a bit of “if they get into trouble will they have options?” At play I’m sure as well.

    Quit being obtuse.