T Mobile is expensive here, granted we’re probably not in the same country. It’s also usually cheaper for me to buy a phone and a separate sim/data subscription.
T Mobile is expensive here, granted we’re probably not in the same country. It’s also usually cheaper for me to buy a phone and a separate sim/data subscription.
This one feels particularly guilty
Look at this guy mowing his grass
I’ll try out Typst. If it works well, I’ll definitely switch from LaTeX.
We have integrity changes all the time. Usually only game balance and new content is polled. This is fine, let the malders mald and they’ll forget in a week.
Not familiar with your situation in Australia, but perhaps see if you can get some free legal advice.
Kicking ducks must be your favorite hobby then!
I had to look up dental dams, TIL.
I guess the word “normally” takes care of that. It implies a situation outside of the program in question.
Firearm injury 2nd: how to know this is US data without it being labeled as US data.
Similar position. I also realize how lucky I’ve been in life in comparison to the less fortunate.
Rereading the chain I see misread the original comments, my bad.
Lazy and self-aware enough to know that there is not much i can or will do to improve the morality of meat consumption.
You can stop eating meat? That seems to be a fix that puts you squarely into better moral territory. Unless you think the killing, torturous treatment and rape is moral. It’s your choice whether you want to do something, but it I object to the word can here.
In general, just having conscience as a guiding ethical compass leaves you open to many logical inconsistencies. Would you agree?
I respect the self-reflection in this comment. Sadly, I also feel a small need to ask you to think about ethics and morality slightly deeper. Imagine if your predecessors made similar comments about [insert moral failing of history]. How would you think about that?
I think most of us try to be good people, but it’s really hard to do the right thing if you never think about what is right and why (and yes, sometimes that includes not being lazy).
I’d be interested in seeing an example or two if you have the time