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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • The Guardian are pretty much the voice of New Labour, who are totally in bed with Israel (they’re still sending them weapons and even sent surveillance planes to help them in Gaza).

    If The Guardian is actually critical of Israel and the IDF that’s a pretty good indication that the Zionist Genocide has already burned most of their good will even in Britain which is one of the most right wing states in Europe and has a history of invariably either being one or supporting White Colonist States in their Genocides of the locals (remember how they supported Appartheid until the last minute and even called Mandela “a terrorist”?!).

  • Oh, I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of Racism involved in politicians supporting the extermination of the natives by the last White Colonialist Nation (who even tell us they have “Western Values” and that the natives “are violent and homophobic” to try and get us to see them as “westerners - i.e. whites - surrounded by evil savages”) still in existence, especially given that said natives are Muslim, which is the one group which in the West is actually fashionable to be a racist about.

    The loud anti-Racism of neoliberals in the West for the last 3 decades was purelly performative for them to distinguish themselves from the even more rightwing parties (i.e. the Fascists) and capture minority votes, which is why they still support Genocide abroad as long as it a “superior” race (in this case, “the chosen people”) doing it to a “lesser” race (or as they call them, “human animals”)

  • In some things there is veto power and in some a majority vote (by states and by population) suffices.

    Whilst I do not know for certain in which category Sanctions fall, I would expect that given the implications at a geostrategical and trade level of them there’s a veto power there. Also I vaguelly remember Hungary blocking sanctions against Russia coordinates at the EU level and countries having to go around it and organising their own sanctions, which would mean it’s a vote were there is a veto.

    Even beyond that, German is certain to lobby and even bully (were it can) other EU countries so that they don’t sanction Israel.

  • It’s a well known phenomenon that the more people self-compliment about some great quality they have, the less that is the case.

    A similar thing seems to happen at a political level - the countries were politicians just harp on and on about how great their Democracy is (in the case of the US) or how old it is (in the case of the UK) have the most flawed Democracies (if they even count as Democracies given how far they stray from the “all votes are equal” criteria) whilst in the best Democracies out there (like The Netherlands where they have Proportional Vote) they never talk about how great a Democracy they are.

    I believe it’s called Overcompensation.

    Personally ever since I figured this out I treat such self-complimenting boasts (both at an individual and at a nation level) as big red flags and so far that rule of thumb hasn’t failed me.

  • In my own experience learning Dutch when living in The Netherlands (were, like in Denmark, almost everybody speaks good English) you learn very little and very slow with formal lessons and a lot very fast in situations were you have to manage with the local language (basically sink or swim).

    I spent years living there with only basic Dutch and then ended up in a small company were I was the only non-Dutch person and the meetings were conducted in Dutch and within 1 to 2 months my Dutch language skills had taken a massive leap forward.

    I also get similar effects with other languages I speak when I go visit those countries: persist in talking to the locals in the local language and that will push your language knowledge up.

    That said, at the very beginning language lessons will give you the basic structure for the language, but for going beyond the basics I find that just being forced to use it yields the fastest improvements.

    (Might wanna try to start watching local TV at some point too)

    By the way, if the Danish are anything like the Dutch, they’ll pick up from the accent that a person is American and switch to English. Do not follow them! Keep talking in Danish even if it feels like it’s pretty bad and hard to use. When I lived in The Netherlands most of my British acquaintances had really poor dutch speaking skills even after over a decade there because of this effect of people picking up their accent and switching to English.

  • Zionists are Nazis.

    Same propaganda techniques, same violent unrestrained racism, same calous murdering of those of the “wrong” race.

    The only difference is that the “superior race” the Zionists claim to represent is a different one, as is the one they deem untermenschen (or specifically in their words “human animals”).

    You can literally replace “Israel” for “Germany” and “Jewish People” for “Arian Race” in some of the speeches coming from the Israeli government to end up with something pretty close to some of the Nazi speeches.

    If you want to be technical about it, Zionists are ethno-Fascists - which is a rarer and far more racist and violent kind of Fascism than the traditional one - like the Nazis but they’re not specifically the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (so, not actually the NAZI party), just a modern version of it with a different set of races they see as ubermenschen and untermenschen (what the Zionists call “the chosen people” and the “human animals”).

    So yeah, a guy like Biden actively supporting these modern Nazis with weapons whilst they commit Genocide is also a Nazi (just like somebody giving the KKK weapons knowing they will be used to kill afro-americans counts as being KKK) and those people doggedly coming out to defend Biden of any and all criticism of his actions in this are tainting themselves with the stink of this modern Nazism (they can hardly claim they’re against the mass murder of children whilst actively protecting one of the key guys in making it possible)