Apparently, everyone 😂
Apparently, everyone 😂
It’s gonna be fun if they crack down on immigration and someone argues that kethamine karen is not american and has to go…
It all comes to how anonymous you are on the net. I’d say having a mainstream social media account is right now a high risk if you live in the US, specially considering that Kethamine Karen owns one one of them.
This to say that deanonymizing you might be cheaper than you think, making it more likely than we all expect. If you want to keep using tnose socials, I’d start by deleting my accounts and creating new ones using new data (such as disposable mails or aliases that forward to your real email)
Of course, a trusted vpn is a must in these cases. And there is a lot you should be doing on top of all this.
Right now, if you want to keep your anti-trump line, be prepared to be treated as an enemy, so consider the deanonymation a highly likely possibility.
So, to solve the problem of the left not voting them, they are moving further to the right.
Yeah, America, I’m sorry to tell you but you are screwed. You have 4 years to either behead the dnc and turn it into a left wing party, or greate an actual left party.
Otherwise, you’re going to be eating fascism fo dinner until you implode.
Well, you can’t be at war against an enemy that doesn’t exist. If there are no more palestinians, you can’t be at war with them.
He’s fucking your wife, turd. That’s why he won’t go away.
Wer’re just one week after the elections and the amount of shit we’re already seeing surpasses my expectatives. The next 4 years are gonna be fun, really fun.
Make no mistake: this Trump presidency will continue to attack
There, fixed the title for you.
But you’re saying she was going to be better than trump in all this huh
Yup. You got that right.
But it doesn’t matter. I’m not american and I already accepted that we’re heading to what probably means the extinction of our race (i still have some hope that I’m wrong but not that much). So you know wnat? I’m just gonna sit, grab some popcorn and enjoy the ride while he fucks his country over and over while he fucks climate over and over. At least i’ll go knowing that I tried to avoid it, not to accelerate it.
But Harris was responsible of this genocide!!! Turd said he would solve the war in a day!!!1!!1!!111!one!!1
Surprising “only” everyone who didn’t vote for Harris, the orange cunt is on his way to become a christian absolutist monarch tnat only differs from the talibans on the shitbook he uses to oppress his people.
Pray. That’s all you have left.
You think he will ever listen to you even if you demonstrate?
You’re going to enjoy a medieval monarchy, and more than half of the country either wants it or can’t be bothered with it because they have better things to do.
That can’t excuse them.
Even if they lived in a bubble, it’s impossible that they never heard anything about all the orange turd rants and how dangerous he is. Not voting for any reason makes you an accomplice of whoever wins, because your apathy means you are ok with whatever goes, including fascism.
This time, the election wasn’t about dems or reps, it was about democracy or fascism. If you didn’t vote, means you are ok with fascism.
Italy greets you with its piracy shield.
Can they actuate such measures? Of course they can, look at Italy. Is it realistic? Well, that depends on how stupid they are. Italy has blocked google trying to ban piracy and the “shield” is easily avoided with a vpn, but hey, they are trying.
As soon as Russia finishes Ukraine, next in line is Poland, and with that, the whole Nato, which the orange cunt hates and wants to disband, or defund or leave.
“America used to have people who loved other people of their same sex”
No, it’s hate.
The orange cunt said openly that he wants mass deportations, that he wouldn’t care if someone shot at the press, he endorses violents like the ones who assaulted the capitol, he is against any kind of difference from the white supremacism. That is hate, and the people who voted for him, voted for this. Fear for their economy? Sure, but if you decide to vote for a guy who thinks this way against who is different, your fear for the economy is worth shit, you are ready to let others die (or even indirectly kill them), and that’s hate.
edit: typos
Normally, 12ft.io works, you just need to put the url after theirs and will get a non paywalled link, like this https://12ft.io/https://www.alternet.org/alternet-exclusives/trump-trojan-horse/
Otherwise, use ublook and block javascript, it will work most of the times