Google has already done that
Google has already done that
It’s not stupid if a single EU country signs an agreement with the US. Giorgia Meloni was the only EU premier at Mar-a-Lago.
You must be fun at resistance parties. I guess it’s time to annihilate ourselves through labor then (งツ)ว
I doubt that she used Cincinnatus as an example
And if we help them [the abnormal children] with all our dedication, we also render the best service to our Volk; not only by avoiding that they burden the Volksgemeinschaft with their dissocial and criminal acts, but also by trying to ensure that they fulfill their duties as productive individuals in the living organism of the Volk. (Asperger H. Das psychisch abnorme Kind. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1938;49:1314–7.)
Dude was a Nazi, somehow people made up this story that saw him as a sort of good guy who wanted to protect children
They’d blame Obama for being president while Black
Something along the lines of this
Nazis pulled the whole Asperger thing out of thin air because certain deviants could still be useful workers
I’d like to see MAGA’s cognitive dissonance in trying to conceptualize Trump getting peed on as a power move of his
Elon didn’t know what to do with his hands, or limbs in general
Lol. Elon’s alleged autism comes in handy whenever he pulls off something that would embarass a teenage edgelord
He would probably threaten to carpet bomb the fuck out of you and whine when generals don’t do it
This isn’t fascism yet, even though you’re fast-tracked to it.
The Vatican has entered the chat
Even if this were psy-ops… this is how you write psy-ops, goddamn
Elon Musk confirmed to appear in the largest bukkake scene ever
Robin Williams hit the nail on the head when talking about Arnold. A paraphrase could be: “He’s a Democrat about everything but illegal immigration”
A 14 years old edgelord who also happens to be the richest man in the world, to own a social network with which to manipulate public opinion. He has just bought the US presidency.
There is petty revenge and then there is this.
Kegel would hate you
Because they ultimately benefit from the exploitation of the Other