For me I generally pirate most books I read, although if there is a book I really enjoyed I will buy the physical copy.
I also generally tend to avoid having takeaways because they are just so expensive in this day and age with inflation and tend to opt for cheap meals like pasta or rice etc.
Also I don’t pay for any streaming services, but borrow a VPN service from a friend to pirate the movies I watch.
Curious to hear of some ways that you people here save money.
I haven’t paid for heating in 2 years. We do have gas heating at home, but we also have a wood stove and a wood lot, so we just use the wood we have.
I also live car-free and asked my boss to give me a cargo e-bike as bonus 4 years ago. I’m lucky enough to live in a city with good public transport and a car-sharing provider. I pay around 200€/year for transportation.
This frees up money for vacations, going to restaurants and buying good quality food in general.
We live on acreage and our heating is essentially free thanks to the wood stove. I mean I spend probably $50 a year on gas for the wood splitter preparing wood, which I don’t mind at all when I hear about people’s hydro or gas bills in the winter. I also love the smell. It smells like home.