At 40, I am convinced that we cosplay as adult characters to hide our inner child, mostly from ourselves. Some seem to allow the stresses of life and responsibilities to make the mask indistinguishable, but I doubt any truly make it real. Do you wear the mask of age over the eyes of your inner child? Does age hold a meaningful value to you beyond the comradery of shared experience?

    3 months ago

    Nearly 30 (so that mask is not so old yet), I think there is a time and place for everything. Sometimes it’s needed to be more sensible and responsible, I do think however that this is a slither of the time we spent in life. My manager also loves to make the remark: be wary that you start to find all of this and yourself too important. When we talk tech, he can show his inner child with ease and we can joke and laugh for hours, but when we need to be serious about topics we can be as well.

    In my personal opinion, life’s too short to live it for others. I really dislike that from a certain age people expect you to be acting like something, even though these same people hate doing so. But who knows, maybe in a year or ten I might have a totally different opinion, life’s funny like that