Started doing simple dumbbell exercises recently and was curious about what others are doing.
Been trying simple neck exercises too. No weights, just chintucks and isometrics.

Please do share your experience/suggestions/opinions on the it and related topics like sports, calisthenics, general physical health etc.

Do you know any exercises that are rare? Or ones that seem special to your locality?

Regarding food:
How do you meet your protein or calorie goals? How do you track it? Especially food that is local to your place.

On a tangent:
Are there cool plants that are less known or that’d be useful if more people tried growing and including them in their diets? Do mention your locality or climate of the plant.

    5 months ago

    The one downside is that none of my pants fit and I have to cinch them with belts.

    Seems like you should intentionally incorporate some squats.

    No excuse for walking around like a Hank hill in 2024 smh /s