Started doing simple dumbbell exercises recently and was curious about what others are doing.
Been trying simple neck exercises too. No weights, just chintucks and isometrics.

Please do share your experience/suggestions/opinions on the it and related topics like sports, calisthenics, general physical health etc.

Do you know any exercises that are rare? Or ones that seem special to your locality?

Regarding food:
How do you meet your protein or calorie goals? How do you track it? Especially food that is local to your place.

On a tangent:
Are there cool plants that are less known or that’d be useful if more people tried growing and including them in their diets? Do mention your locality or climate of the plant.

    5 months ago

    I try to train 3 days a week. Simple compound body weight movements are my personal focus. So pullups, dips, squats. Then accessories to compliment muscle groups. Bicep curls, tricep push downs and/or lateral raises, and Romanian deadlifts respectively. Lastly core is important for your overall health and stability so sneak that into your workouts.

    I priorotize walking to most places if I am able, keeps staying active easier than dedicating time to running. However, sprints are a really great athletic movement so don’t be afraid to find a field and do sprints or something explosive like it.

    As for diet, there’s no real counting anything for me. I typically just prioritise getting proteins on my plate then veggies and complex carbs. Try and cook your food yourself rather than eating out and you’re 90% of the way to your goals! The rest is consistency and effort.

    As for local plants I’m not sure if there’s anything special but growing your own food does seem to taste better in my opinion!