Was gifted kid, always the smartest, highest test scores. Then I got older. I know I’m above average intelligence in lot of things. But smart enough to know how stupid I can be, that I have lots of faults, limitations. There are many kinds of intelligence, and always more to learn
Was gifted kid, always the smartest, highest test scores. Then I got older. I know I’m above average intelligence in lot of things. But smart enough to know how stupid I can be, that I have lots of faults, limitations. There are many kinds of intelligence, and always more to learn
Same boat. Got used to (and still ocasionally) being praised for practical applications. Limitations and faults aplenty.
According to the (probably fallacious) contrapositive of the Dunning–Kruger effect, this means you’re both pretty smart. Congrats (?)!
Username checks out.
(For those angry at the old place–ism, here: I can’t help pointing out that your username matches what you said so well.)