Green Party candidate Jill Stein is gaining ground among Muslim-American voters in three critical swing states: Michigan, Arizona, and Wisconsin, according to a recent poll by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Stein leads Vice President and Democrat candidate Kamala Harris in these states, with 40 per cent support in Michigan, 35 per cent in Arizona, and 44 per cent in Wisconsin. This surge in popularity appears tied to Stein’s vocal criticism of US support for Israel during the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

  • Amerikan
    1 month ago

    Sadly, the democrat party keeps shredding PSL off state ballots, otherwise I’d be voting La Riva. Now I’m weighing whether it’s even worth it to go to the ballot spot, or if I’d get more done just working on my coursework that day.

      1 month ago

      I’m writing PSL in regardless, even if they can’t win the state fight against their lawyers. Fuck the “Democrat party” thinking they can bully me into voting for their genocidal asses by sending out dark-money superPAC lawyer squads to directly kill democracy. They’re scared. It just shows how much of a paper tiger they are. They should be forced to change their name, this ain’t even bourgeois ‘democracy’ this is bullshit.

      Everyone should vote third party (ideally PSL, and join them, but Greens in a strong state for it could prove savvy as well) and force a political reorientation if the democrat wing ever want power again. Since the democrats are proven incapable of doing anything but flying to the right (in some cases even further than Republicans, like on immigration), stifling/brow-beating dissenters and sending militarized pigs to crush protestors; workers have been and will continue jumping ship from their genocidal-ass Cheney-Reagan-ass party. And if we throw enough numbers and support behind third parties and especially socialists like the PSL, and reliably rob them of the margins they rely on to keep this charade of death going, they will be forced from ground-up to abandon their duopoly and reorient if they don’t want their liberal democracy to collapse and a whole lot more people to be radicalized into revolutionary politics. And even if they do bring about this reorientation, they’ll have to reorient and reconstitute in a chaotic political retreat from a rising left (which in of itself can only help the victims of imperialism) because they’ve grown so complacent they forgot how to play politics.

      With visibly boosting third party numbers alongside other on-the-ground-work the PSL does continuing to pick up disillusioned workers from their base and the huge 35-50% section that doesn’t even vote because of how disaffected working people are by this ‘fascist-and-vampire’ show, the ruling class is going to have to realize they need float one of these kinds of concessionary reformist “labor” parties to try to capture all the working class people (who never held illusions about the Republicans either) being funneled to true left-wing and revolutionary parties. And that would sunder the democrats in two, with half joining the republicans (that they’ve all-but-done-already), and half flooding into that reformist labor party which, with sufficient agitation, would push the reformists’ own “left wing” into revolutionary disaffection due to it becoming “democrat-ized” by the same people they were trying to get away from. A sufficiently-supported PSL being in the midst of this would only benefit the socialist movement.

      And that’s the best option for the imperialist ruling class to try to stay ahead of the rising independent left parties like the PSL, is breaking apart their own duopoly-of-exploiters under pressure of us throwing our weight behind rupturing these already bursting-at-the-seams contradictions. It isn’t about “winning” like the liberals try to hand-wring about — bourgeois democracy is a farce and always has been. It’s about breaking their entrenched structures apart with a hammer and scattering its pieces with a sickle and make them show they still know how to play politics. And we can all tell they don’t. They have been showing us every day how inept and scared they are.