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[interview with Dr. Hassan Abdel Salam, from Abandon Harris movement]

Ann Garrison, BAR Contributing Editor 04 Sep 2024

    1 month ago

    The SPD wasn’t doing a genocide.

    The left argument against SPD advocated for voting for the KPD, not skipping voting. Aside from stark political disagreement, the SPD had mobilized the Freikorps against the left, killing many of their compatriots, including party leadership. The SPD was rarely in the fight against the Nazis taking direct action (terrorizing cities), that was communists and anarchists. The SPD were the polite progressives but still far to the left of Democrats today. To the left of Sanders. But when push came to shove and Nazi brownshirts were given license to fight and arrest communists, the SPD was useless, having no idea how to oppose the right.

    However, the parties more similar to Democrats were the center and nationalist parties (e.g., Papen and Hindenburg) that ended up collaborating with the right and, eventually, making Hitler chancellor rather than support the left. There is an echo of this in this very thread, and in your comment.

    I highly recommend actually reading this history.

      1 month ago

      Pfft, they’re all the same, no difference between them really, not like either is going to actually change anything, why bother to vote at all?

      The “Left” at this time, specifically in Russia, was purging the shit out of everyone, and committing the Holodomor.

      But the argument that both sides are the same is very clear: Hitler and Stalin were both very much aligned when it came to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, including the protocol for splitting Eastern Europe.

      Couldn’t be that much daylight between them? Both a bunch of warmongers, Stalin even invaded Finland 3 months after the war started.

        1 month ago

        Pfft, they’re all the same, no difference between them really, not like either is going to actually change anything, why bother to vote at all?

        I haven’t said anything like that. I have, however, said that you should oppose gemociders and not vote for them.

        The “Left” at this time, specifically in Russia, was purging the shit out of everyone, and committing the Holodomor.

        The SPD is German and the analogy was about voting in German politics enabling Hitler. What you’ve said is neither here nor there.

        But the argument that both sides are the same is very clear: Hitler and Stalin […]

        I thought the next paragraphs would return to the subject at hand, but they didn’t. I would be happy to discuss Hitler and Stalin in a different thread. Feel free to start one. But it doesn’t address anything here.