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NEWPORT NEWS — The Newport News Education Association President condemned the premise of the school division’s motion to dismiss Abigail Zwerner’s pending $40 million lawsuit.

The motion was filed last week by attorneys representing the School Board and argues that Zwerner, who was shot in her classroom at Richneck Elementary in January by a 6-year-old student, is only entitled to file a worker’s compensation claim because the injury she sustained from the shooting is a “workplace injury,” and that the shooting was a hazard of the job.

    1 year ago

    Consider this: not everyone familiar with firearms is a right wing lunatic. In fact, there is a surprisingly large and generally quite chunk of the population that is moderate to left leaning with various levels of support for civilian firearm ownership. If you go far enough left you find the people actually willing to fight for the good of the people and against tyranny (not like, "no step on snek tyranny, but more a long the lines of the black Panthers of old, or the current volunteers providing armed protection to lgbtq events in Texas, etc).

    How would you suggest that such a person point out to you that you’re using emotionally charged language to create a false dichotomy and ramble off blatant ad hominem attacks?

    Here’s something else to consider: the US government is bad at writing laws. If you want a great example, check the CAFE emissions standards. Using a chart that effectively allows bigger vehicles to get lower mileage has not resulted in manufactures making more fuel efficient vehicles, it’s resulted in larger vehicles. This is why you can’t buy a small pickup truck like the old ranger or s-10. So people are forced to buy larger vehicles (that use more resources to manufacture) that get worse mileage, and in turn actually increasing total fuel consumption. That’s obviously really stupid if you think about it for a few minutes.

    Most gun laws are equally as stupid and short sighted, but because the topic is more political and constantly in the news (even though the planet burning up is way more important, but I digress) it is debated more emotionally. In the example above if one doesn’t take the time to understand general concepts about modern vehicles, legislation, and the various terms used to describe it, they won’t have an educated opinion. An uneducated opinion is just noise.

    This is relevant to firearms because most laws are feature restrictions of some kind. For example, banning a vertical foregrip. Defining what that is surprisingly tricky, and the government gets it wrong, or leaves loopholes, or has some other weird side effect. That’s ignoring the fact that the purpose of a foregrip is to give the shooter better ergonomics and control. More control is safer and the odds of a shooter missing a target are reduced. So why would the government decide to ban something that is effectively a safety device while using incorrect jargon? Great question! Go ask the state of California, and new Jersey, etc.

    At the end of the day, the only way to eliminate gun violence is to eliminate all guns. In the US that is logically impossible even if the constitution and will of the people is ignored. Calling something “assault” is as meaningless as cereal manufacturers saying a bowl of sugary carbs in milk is good for your heart.

      1 year ago

      If you are actively supporting “protection of firearms” as a “solution” to the widespread mass shooting and murdering of children: That is inherently a conservative position. I don’t care how you feel about social justice or health care (actually, I kind of do since viewing human life as being less important than squeezing a trigger are diametrically opposed).

      All aside from that: the bog standard NRA talking points are

      • Get pissy that people aren’t using the right terminology as a way to distract from those pesky dead crisis actors
      • Insist that other people refuse to try to solve the actual problem… while actively refusing to engage with any proposed solutions
      • Mock past laws for nonsensical loopholes while actively ignoring that those loopholes were largely put there by pro-gun/anti-life lobbyists

      But: Hey, if you think banning assault weapons is not sufficient, I agree with you. Let’s ban all guns. Pretty much all civilized countries do so. Like most conservatives, you are incapable of empathy. You think that because you refuse to ban any guns that doing a “gotcha” by arguing for even stronger bans is an argument. Rather than… you agreeing with me.

      But, regardless: it takes a REAL ghoul to join a conversation about how death by firearms has become so prolific that it genuinely a workplace hazard for teachers with “Well, ackshually, the term for the kind of gun that almost killed this person is…”

        1 year ago

        I think you need to go re-read and do some research. I never suggested a solution to school shootings at all. If you want one it’s simple: better quality of life overall, better quality education, and guaranteed social services of various kinds. This is quite straightforward.

        Now, if you’ll stop putting words in my mouth I’ll give you one more try. Otherwise, it seems like it’s you that’s sticking to the talking points and not at all paying attention.

          1 year ago

          Yes, I know you never suggested a solution. I outright pointed that out as my second point. Sorry, would it be easier to understand if I had a show on NRAtv or whatever the fuck that nonsense is?

          And apologies. How could I be so foolish as to not understand. The problem isn’t the guns. The problem is that the world is not a utopia. So obviously we just need to throw more assault rifles at people until we live in one.

          Jesus christ. Oh, sorry, that probably offended you. Jesus armed with dual glocks and an Ak strapped across his back. Silly me

            1 year ago

            Bruh. You’re talking to an atheist socialist. I don’t know how to be any more clear: your generic talking points literally don’t make sense in any context, and certainly aren’t a coherent response to anything I’m saying.

            Many other modernized countries have the basic components that create a functional society. I’m not suggesting someone invent Star Trek replicators and magically solve all the problems. I’m saying the basic psychology that leads someone to commit atrocities almost always leads to a root cause that can be addressed at a macro level with the resources already available right now. We simply choose not to and allow the ultra wealthy to create an environment more and more conducive to enriching themselves further. This includes just about every piece of legislation that passes anywhere in the country - both for limiting and expanding firearm rights.

            More guns surely isn’t the answer either, they are already prolific. You couldn’t get more even if you wanted. If you want to talk about realistic legislation a competence-based graduated ownership (or use, depending on how you define legal terms) permit addresses the vast majority of issues that both colors of koolaide drinkers ramble on about. In fact, we already do this with cars and motorcycless and airplanes and mining equipment and dangerous chemicals. It’s not a difficult problem to solve. And yet, the actual legislation that is created to placate moderate liberals is always feature bans, and almost always only applies to new purchases instead of ownership or use.

            You’d have to be an actual crypt dwelling sould eating ghoul to not acknowledge a realistic solution to the problem you are actively crying about, because that would mean you don’t actually care at all and are just here for the drama and churn.

              1 year ago

              You can call yourself whatever you want. You are taking a strong conservative stance on gun control and, the fact that this is at the expense of children and teachers… says a lot.

              Again, other countries have had no problems getting rid of firearms. And there are ways to stage and phase things out. Rather than just waiting for the utopia to start while hoping parents buy kevlar and flak jackets for their teachers along with the spare markers.

              Also: Again, if I were to think of a “ghoul” it would be someone who felt the need to rush into a discussion of how gun control might actually help with “You are a teacher. Getting shot is part of the job” with “BUT MY GUNS!!!”.

              Nah, you know what, you can have “ghoul”. Because the word for someone like that is on a whole different level.

                1 year ago

                Well, you’re clearly not listening to what I’m actually saying, and instead arguing points that don’t even apply.

                Conservatives, and particularly neoconservatives, don’t have a monopoly on the concept of armed citizens. Try googling the phrase “if you go far enough left you get your guns back”

                Until you can repeat back to me what that means, I think it’s pretty clear you’re a sentiment bot or shill of some kind.