Hey there!

So I’ve had a migraine that has been going for a couple days now. Nothing entirely new, but it’s frustrating. Dark room, low noise, tried sleeping it off, taken multiple medications for it including my Ubrelvy which normally knocks it. It took the edge off, but now I’m going on day 3 with the migraine with no perceivable end in sight.

Anyone got any tips that normally helps them to knock their migraine that’s worth considering? Normally I don’t care too much as I’ve put up with them for years, but this one has me all nauseous which makes it that much more miserable.

Thanks in advance!

  • SwagaliciousSR@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    This comment right here.

    Any migraine (or headache) longer than 72 hours is not normal and should be looked at.

    I’ve had 2x migraine periods in my life, one caused by a gum infection. Worst pain in my life Felt just like an ocular light induced migraine until day 4 or 5 when the pain got to ice pick levels of pain. Ended up needing oral surgery and tubes placed inside my mouth / sinus for a few weeks to belp drain pus and stuff.

    Check any part of your face / forehead for pain and swelling.

    The other was series of minor and micro strokes. I only experienced tingling, migraines and hand pain.

    Had no idea! Get bad and frequent migraines checked out!