When that door is closed, you’re forced to stare at yourself on the toilet.
When that door is closed, you’re forced to stare at yourself on the toilet.
Except that he’s explicitly choosing to be a political candidate for the purpose of avoiding the lawsuits. A lot of these allegations occurred before he announced he was re-running, and then the lawsuits got put on hold.
Your scenario creates a method for anyone to delay consequences by running for office. Although we both know it wouldn’t really work for anyone. Trump gets his special treatment.
With how trigger happy police are, the false positives would lead to more deaths than they prevent. And police would claim it’s justified because the machine told them so.
Was that song in this game too? It’s been stuck in my head for decades from SSX Tricky on XBOX.
The Facebook representative could not answer whether…
This guy’s terrible at his job. Even I can answer that one.
Abso-fucking-lutely yes.
She already held the largest Zoom call, with almost 200,000 people joining.
Stop, those are their friends you’re talking about.
Helldivers 2 works on Linux by the way. It was the first game I installed on Linux and I have almost 100 hrs on it. I haven’t tried the others you mentioned though.
I switched to Linux Mint a couple months ago and use Steam a lot. I’ve tried at least 10 games and all worked perfectly.
But I don’t do competitive multiplayer. Those are more likely to have issues with anti-cheats. Although I did try Hell Let Loose and Helldivers very successfully and those are both major online titles.
Check https://protondb.com if you’re worried about a specific game’s compatibility. I’ve had silver rated games work perfectly though.
Edit: Apps - Photo editing and 3D CAD are the main areas I’ve struggled with on Linux. There’s no good Adobe equivalent, and no good Fusion 360 equivalent. Free CAD exists, but that can gently fuck off.
Yeah, those questions are the only the only way I stay sane. I’ve never been asked to participate in a poll so I have to assume the demographics are biased toward specific groups, like people who answer land line phones.
Do polls make anyone else unreasonably angry?
Unless it’s 20 points, I can’t fathom how that many people support Trump. He never says anything of value in any speech. There’s no platform to support. He just needs power to avoid criminal consequences, and half the country is good with that.
Ah yes, the strategic ambiguity that strategist Trump is known to utilize.
Good thing the ambit is so broad as to hold all of his strategies.
kibiz0r SLAMMED “the quiet part”
How does one prove whether or not something is official business if official business can’t be used in any trial?
Who exactly? I think you underestimate the power of being an incumbent.
Holy red flags, Batman!
Or the timing lines up with the California court case that was just recently allowed to move forward for LGBTQ+ veterans to sue the Department of Defense.
Seems more like a reaction to national news than your cynical politician thing.
But what if they’re riding a horse and the horse does something silly? What then?
I just dual booted Linux Mint yesterday when I was reminded of the Win 10 end of service date, and hope to keep with it as my main system.
Linux has come a long way with compatibility since I last tried it ~10 years ago. The fact that Steam games ran perfectly without an evening of configuring settings blew my mind.
This sounds exactly like Amazon’s “Just walk out” grocery store concept that actually required remote supervising by workers in India.